Ben Shapiro Doesn’t Like Trolling When It’s Not Truthful – IOTW Report

Ben Shapiro Doesn’t Like Trolling When It’s Not Truthful

Shapiro continues to loathe Trump because Trump is a troller, a troller that lies.

Trump tweeted-

“Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don’t know what to do. Love!”

I’m not sure where the lie is here, but this tweet exemplifies what Shapiro disdains, so much so he highlighted it. Were there no better tweets to illustrate his point that Trump lies?

National Review-

His most ardent followers thrill to this display of full-on juvenile testosterone. They thrill at what they approvingly call “trolling” by the “madman.” They tweet pictures of Pepe the Frog jubilantly, figuratively slapping each other on the back over the audacity of their Big Man on Campus.

Is Shapiro not aware of the counter-movement currently afoot, the one that has been trying to block the president-elect from taking office by any means necessary? Wouldn’t cowering from these enemies display a lack of testosterone, juvenile or otherwise?

The new “conservatism” promoted by Trump and his most ardent imitators is a teenage slapfight with no general purpose other than to deliberately offend, thereby making yourself appear more powerful.

What’s wrong with deliberately offending the left?

How does this make the country better? It doesn’t. The logic seems to be: Say something vile, untrue, or insanely stupid. Get a rise out of your opponent. ????? Make America Great Again.

Shapiro doesn’t offer example after example of tweets that are either vile, untrue or insanely stupid. He does mention this one lone Trump tweet –

When Trump tweeted last week that Russian dictator Vladimir Putin was “very smart” for not retaliating against President Obama’s expulsion of Russian agents from the United States, his followers didn’t respond to the policy — they laughed at the trolling. He’d triggered Obama and the media! He’d gotten them mad!

I guess Shapiro forgets that Obama’s actions were taken in order to delegitimize Trump’s election, flaling a wet noodle at Putin for “installing Trump” with his unproven “hacking and meddling.’

It’s out of line to suggest that Putin was smart for seeing through this ploy and not escalating tensions between the two countries based on a “full on juvenile display of testosterone” on Obama’s part?

Stop it, Ben.


44 Comments on Ben Shapiro Doesn’t Like Trolling When It’s Not Truthful

  1. Maybe Michelle Fields gave him a hand-job or something when he sided with her after her ridiculous accusations against Corey Lewandowski and he still isn’t over it, maybe thinking he will get more.

  2. I listen to this clown a couple weeks back. He was filling in for Levin and the subject matter was how Trump’s threats of tariffs circumvent true free market principles. He had guys with similar experiences as me, manufacturers that have been sucking wind due to the fact or global elitist really no longer give a shit about a strong American economy, or unfair trade practices. One guy called in and told little Benny he didn’t know what the hell he was talking about and little Benny reacted like a classic liberal. Over talk them and then hang up. Bennies an educated idiot. Fuck him. Long on thought short on practicality.

  3. Shapiro is among that class of educated idiots who were written about recently in an article by someone (neither of which I can find/know at the moment). I also stumbled and bumbled around with the idea of the “educated idiot” when I called-in to ASK show last January, the one on which Mr. Pinko explained his Trump fever. I think I said something along the lines that Conservative, Inc. (the preening luminaries of NR and other of their kind) were just the mirror, right-sided, image of the Left’s Utopian thought police. No difference. They just don’t understand that real Americans (think tea party if you must label them) don’t want anyone doing their thinking or their deciding for them. Benny will figure it out, probably. I blame it on his youth in some ways. He strapped on the Conservative, Inc. training wheels, found some minor notoriety among his peers and either lacked the courage or the common sense horsepower to do otherwise.

  4. I follow Ben on FB (seldom go to his site because I’ve never liked playing “whack-O-Mole” with pop-up ads while reading), but he does post pro Trump stuff too. Maybe some of those articles can be fisked here too?

    Will there ever be a time that criticizing Trump will be allowed by the iOTWr readership?

  5. I’ve listened to Ben take on students and give them an education. He’s a smart guy but I don’t understand why he has such a hate on for Trump. If Trump does half the stuff he’s said he will and if you look at the makeup of his cabinet you have to think he’s going to, then he should be Ben’s hero. Maybe he’ll come around in time or he’ll just become irrelevant.

  6. Can we criticize Trump here?
    I believe you can.
    The point is: Have a point. A valid point.
    If you are going to criticize someone, let if be a legitimate point, with supporting evidence.
    Shapiro’s “evidence” does not support his argument.
    This Shapiro dude is supposedly super smart and critical but makes a weak argument. He should just shut his stupid mouth.

  7. Well, Brad, this tweet in particular seemed unnecessary. Yes it is funny, but just how does it help #MAGA?

    Also, I am a bit concerned at his opposition to dismantling Obama’s “ethic” oversight board committee thingy “until later”. Maybe it is just good politics to get rid of it after the inauguration. We will see.

    Generally, I am pretty damned happy with what he is doing so far and I freaking love his cabinet picks!

    Oh, and one more thing…He needs a new haircut. You still working on that BFH?

  8. Menderman, in case you haven’t figured it out, you’re either a stone cold liberal, or an establishment tool. Not much difference between the two. And you are any conservatives enemy. Including mine. So stick the coloring book up your ass. Make sure you get the Gerbal out of there first.

  9. Gee, thanks Brad! Just so you know, that as a lifelong conservative, you are the type of person I apologize to other conservatives about. Keep up the intolerance! You are also the reason I seldom visit this site. You will get 40 TU’s for spouting such nonsense and then go on a email rampage with your “friends” to turn my comment chinese rather than discuss a differing point of view. Keep up the great work!

  10. Ben has written a number of positive Trump commentaries but the positive ones don’t outweigh the negatives. It’s a knee jerk reaction to find faults with Trump. Mark Levin is doing the same thing. Happy one day and hateful the next. I’d like them all to just shut up for awhile and be quietly satisfied with DJT’s win. Let the man take office and govern for awhile-see how it goes. Give is all a break and enjoy the simple fact that on Jan 20 it’s our guy in office and not Hillary. The pre-inaugural prognosticating is tiring…IMHO.

  11. @Illustr8r — Amen! I feel like the celebration has been delayed and delayed and delayed… It’s not enough that the NeverTrump-ers have to keep braying like the jackasses they are, but they’re goofing up the happy mo jo for the rest of us. Wet blankets. What’ll it take to shut them the hell up?! How many different ways can they tell us they hate a conservative president?! What have ANY of them done — really done — for us lately?

  12. These purity spiraling, virtue signaling “TruCon” cucks like Little Benny, Reverend Erik Erickson, and Shit Pudding Brain, Rick Wilson STILL cannot understand that NeoConservative/Compassionate Republican Party is DEAD. Populist Nationalism is where all the action, excitement, and the only future lie.

  13. @ Brad,Menderman % JohnS- sure glad we are not in the
    16-17th century otherwise you guy’s would be out back
    having a pistol duel. In here at least-“sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me”
    but that is not really true-words can hurt and it hurts me that you guys to read your hate-Rodney King said it=can’t we all just get along?/ haha, but look what happened to him-got his black azz beat down. Oh well, you guys have a great day. I learn so much in here. 🙂

  14. shappy headed piro is going to flame out, so let’s just sit back and enjoy.

    who does he have that follows and enjoys reading his idiocy? Glenn Beck?

    those two are destined to go from failure to failure in the next four years and take down whatever stupid financial backer that will pony up money for their stupid cause.

  15. Shapiro used to be someone interesting to watch, but now has become predictable and moving quickly to irrelevancy. He is a fast-talking, fast-thinking actor who is gutting himself on the public stage. Perhaps he should evaluate his pop-off remarks closely before spewing the venom. Judgmental is the chief character flaw of Benjy now.

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