20,000 plates of sushi a day, served extremely efficiently – IOTW Report

20,000 plates of sushi a day, served extremely efficiently

This cuts out a lot of $15 an hour jobs. The real jobs are in the building and managing of these conveyor belts, which, idiots demanding $15 an hour for dipping fries into a frier cannot do.

ht/ all too much

16 Comments on 20,000 plates of sushi a day, served extremely efficiently

  1. Can I have one in Guam dad?

    Actually something like that would have to have a YUGE
    daytime crowd to support. I think we are down to one or
    two sushi rotary restaurants here for the island.
    I’ll wait my 10-15 minutes for some real good sushi at
    a reasonable price. In Tokyo? Different model with the population
    density there that supports it.

  2. I’m with Terry Bradshaw. In a whispered voice I intimate “you forgot to cook this”.

    I’ve never understood the attraction to sushi. As human civilization developed over the centuries, we learned to cook food to make it more palatable (infusing spices and other flavors) and to kill organisms (germs, parasites, etc.) that would harm us if the food was not cooked.

    I’ll take mine (whatever it is) medium well thank you very much.

  3. Sashimi [the actual ‘raw’ part of a Sushi dish bc Sushi is actually those side dishes that come w/ the fish] if prepared correctly, is perfectly safe to eat, and surprisingly delicious.

  4. About once every two months, wife and I head down to Canton for excellent sushi. Please bring extra wasabi and ginger, thank you. And don’t skimp on the edamame, mamasan.

  5. We have a sushi place nearby that takes a lot of my money, in recent months I’ve spent $250-$350/month there. That’s not the norm, but we’ve had a few birthdays and the big holiday dinners make it easy to say let’s just go out, so it’s added up.

    One of the best things they have on the menu isn’t even sushi. It’s called Hot and Spicy Beef Raman and it’s awesome, especially nursing a hangover on a cold day. It’s a big bowl of piping hot raman in rich spicy broth with veggies and beef strips, there’s even soft boiled egg halves floating on top. Now and then you’ll get a spoonful of broth and the hot spice hits your throat just right, it takes your breath away!

    I’ll usually get a roll to go with raman or noodles it if I’m flying solo, sometimes I just add a few pieces of nigiri. If the wife is with me we split a sashimi dinner and a few rolls.

    I eat way too much sushi at this place. A few times recently the owner has presented us with free cuts including some one off special sauce or topping. The waiter told us he’s been there for years and never seen the owner hand out free sushi, much less specially prepared. I guess I’ve earned it!

  6. I lived in LA in the late 90s and there was a place (can’t recall name) in the W. Hollywood area that had a conveyor belt like this. It really grossed me out but I had some friends like liked it because it was cheap so I always special ordered my sushi in which case they made it fresh and brought it out (you could see them making it too).
    There is something fundamentally wrong with raw fish riding a conveyor belt.

  7. Don’t much care for sushi, rolls, love sashimi, if you catch shrimp, peel and eat while they are still kicking, it tastes like walnuts.
    I will eat it all, if I’m buyin’ just sashimi please.

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