Chuck Schumer Earns His Trump Moniker – IOTW Report

Chuck Schumer Earns His Trump Moniker

Portrait of clown looking sad, close-up of head

In a series of scathing tweets last night, President Elect Donald Trump attacked congressional Democrats in general and NY Senator Chuck Schumer in particular for their stated intention to defend ObamaCare to the last.

Advising Republicans not to let the “Schumer clowns” out of the web they’ve spun for themselves with ObamaCare, the President Elect has given the Senate Minority Leader a taste of Trump push back that none before have been able to withstand once unleashed.


8 Comments on Chuck Schumer Earns His Trump Moniker

  1. When Chuck revives from his coma, he will find the Demicretans lost and he no longer can tell the other side what he will do whether they like it or not, the shoe is now on the other foot, all he has left are flip flops.

  2. Well this should be interesting. It seems that whenever Trump pins a label on an opponent it sticks. ‘Goofy Elizabeth Warren’,’Crazy Bernie’,’Crooked Hillary’,’Lyin’ Ted’
    ‘Little Marco’,’Low Energy Jeb’,’Truly Weird Rand Paul’.

  3. I would have loved to see Mr. Trump tear Harry Reid a new asshole.
    It’s almost too bad Reid didn’t stick around, so we could see the fireworks, but it’s better that he’s gone..

  4. The DoJ should make it a priority to ferret out corruption.
    Wanna drain the swamp?
    Start by putting the corrupt-o-crats in prison.
    Both sides of the aisle.

    A donor got a “loan guarantee” for a wind farm? Prison.
    A Union which donated to a Senator got “bailout money?” Prison.
    “Green windows” contractor donated to Obola and got a windfall of tax dollars? Prison.
    Solyndra? Prison.
    Ener1? Prison.
    GE making “green” lightbulbs in China and dumping them on the American market? Prison.

    Both the political hacks and the beneficiaries.
    Oh, get the money back, first.
    This would exhibit some seriousness about the (multi-Billon-dollar) problem.

    izlamo delenda est …

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