FBI Claims DNC ‘Inhibited’ Its Investigation Of Stolen Emails – IOTW Report

FBI Claims DNC ‘Inhibited’ Its Investigation Of Stolen Emails


The Democratic National Committee “inhibited” the FBI’s investigation of email hacks by refusing to grant investigators access to the party’s computer servers, the bureau is claiming.

“The FBI repeatedly stressed to DNC officials the necessity of obtaining direct access to servers and data, only to be rebuffed until well after the initial compromise had been mitigated,” an FBI official said Thursday, according to BuzzFeed News.

“This left the FBI no choice but to rely upon a third party for information. These actions caused significant delays and inhibited the FBI from addressing the intrusion earlier.”

The FBI’s response comes a day after a DNC official told BuzzFeed that the FBI has not inspected the party’s computer servers at any point in its months-long hacking probe.

Instead, the bureau relied on analysis conducted by CrowdStrike, a cyber security firm hired by the DNC which determined in June that the Russian government is behind the cyber attacks.

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11 Comments on FBI Claims DNC ‘Inhibited’ Its Investigation Of Stolen Emails

  1. “Instead, the bureau relied on analysis conducted by CrowdStrike, a cyber security firm hired by the DNC which determined in June that the Russian government is behind the cyber attacks.”
    So, we are supposed to believe information supplied by a third party, paid for by the first party?
    This is the information that caused a lame duck to banish foreign diplomats and poke the bear?
    What the hell is going on in my America?

  2. There are not enough firehouses available for Trump to clean out the stables.

    Barky was one effective fuck-up machine! Presently, the entire US government is garbage.

  3. They’ve also held the narrative that the economy is great. The facts are 95.1M Americans not working, up 18% since Zero arrived on the scene. That’s a brick in the Obama legacy wall. (speaking of walls. He’s trying to beat Trump building a wall, the one around his new Chaos HQ in DC)

    http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/record-95102000-americans-not-labor-force-number-grew-18-obama-took-office .

    And just who are these people at the DNC who have the authority to keep the FBI out. I mean, couldn’t they have Ruby Ridged or Wacoed the place? For Pete’s sake, the people at Ruby Ridge and Waco were nicer people.

  4. @Shameless and unbelievable January 6, 2017 at 12:03 pm

    > I gotta remember this nonsense if I ever get charged

    Well, if you don’t invite the cops in to collect evidence when you think someone might have stolen your weed, that won’t happen

  5. All the FBI needs to do is solve the ‘mystery’ of the murdered DNC staff member – Seth Rich – who was shot in DC.

    Solve that case, and you will probably solve the email leaks, too.

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