I tell you that I have been really pleased and really impressed with President-elect Trump- Ted Cruz – IOTW Report

I tell you that I have been really pleased and really impressed with President-elect Trump- Ted Cruz

“I tell you that I have been really pleased and really impressed with President-elect Trump.” – Ted Cruz

DC– Sen. Ted Cruz told Washington, DC radio host Larry O’Connor Wednesday that Donald Trump is filling his cabinet with “all-star” conservatives.

“It was one of the fundamental reasons why I ran for the Senate and promised the people of Texas that I would fight everyday to repeal Obamacare,” he continued. “I cannot tell you how gratifying it is to see us on the verge of delivering on that promise.”

“This is a serious cabinet, a cabinet of highly qualified individuals, and it is a cabinet of strong conservatives,” Cruz added. “The president-elect should be commended for bringing together a team of all-stars.”

“I think that bodes really well for the commitment to carry through on the promises we made.”

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17 Comments on I tell you that I have been really pleased and really impressed with President-elect Trump- Ted Cruz

  1. Glad to see Cruz getting on the Trump train, but what took him so long? Cruz hurt his brand at the convention when he did not throw his support behind The Donald and instead threw out that “Vote your conscience” comment. I like Cruz, but not as much as I did prior to his pouty behavior. He really peed on his own shoes.

  2. Keep all politicians at arms length. At all times.
    Never drop your guard.

    If he does good, allow him. If he does bad, vote him the hell out.

    When uncertain, vote him the hell out. “The longer they serve, the more they steal.”

  3. I liked Cruz but like many I’m disappointed with his Convention refusal to endorse and many of his poor campaign choices, including that unstable hot mess Beck.

    My better half, always generous, thinks he’s like John Adams in “1776”– his positions may be sound but he’s too unlikeable to be effective.

  4. I still believe Cruz is the real deal. Many people had legitimate reservations about Trump and are glad he turned out to be the way he is. The Liberal hysterics did a lot to make me happy about Trump, too. So please stop hating on the people who voted for Trump but were still not quie convinced at the time.

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