Is Duncan Hunter the only congressman with a pair?? – IOTW Report

Is Duncan Hunter the only congressman with a pair??

Finally, someone close enough to the vile painting we reported about last week, the one where some precious SJW created a painting of Ferguson, complete with Michael Brown on a crucifix and the police depicted as pigs, took it down.

Duncan Hunter went over to the painting and removed it.

I hope he was careful with it, and I am serious about that. It is art, and art to me is as personal as personal property can get. But it doesn’t need to hung in a place of privilege when the content is so egregiously absurd.

Hunter said,

“I’m in the Marine Corps. If you want it done, just call us.”


24 Comments on Is Duncan Hunter the only congressman with a pair??

  1. this was on ‘Lou Dobbs’ earlier … glad to see one congresscritter has a pair …. Semper Fi

    Dobbs reported that Hunter made sure the Capital Police, who were more than glad to ‘assist’ that the painting should go back to the congresscritter that had the temerity to display it

    btw, Dobbs even said, during the broadcast, for the producer to take the disgusting picture off the air & not show it anymore …. bravo

  2. Guess who just assured himself a national organization of support for a Senate bid? Who’s up next? Boxer or Feinstein? Doesn’t matter. Hunter, aptly named, will
    Make either bitch his prey.

  3. Now that 0bama will still be getting secret service when he’s out (but not out of the closet, lol) there will probably be a high turnover rate. Can you imagine babysitting those sonsabitches when they don’t have really HAVE to? Ugh!

  4. BFH or MJA you need to put the picture of Michael Obama (Daily Mail) on display it looks like she has man parts. And he’s well endowed. Picture of her getting off plane.

  5. That painting has been hanging since June and only been in the news about a week. That’s fucked.
    From the link:

    “Hunter said he walked over to the artwork Friday morning with a few colleagues and unscrewed it. He then delivered it to the office of Rep. Lacy Clay, D-Mo., the congressman whose office had allowed the piece to be displayed. The painting, hanging since June, was done by a high school student who had won Clay’s annual Congressional Art competition. “

  6. To the painter (who has my admiration and respect): “F*&^ you, and f*&^ your mother who shitted you out.” This one sentence, as a form of artistic expression, and as a gift to the contest winner, is the least I can contribute to the artist and to today’s art world.

  7. The story is that Clay and the Congressional Black Caucasians are going to put it back up on Monday; wouldn’t be surprised if they hold a sit-in too and it’ll be all over the MSM. What makes it even worse is there’s a Capitol Police post nearby and just a few years ago a (black) Capitol Policeman was shot and killed on duty in the Capitol. Dimmocrat is another word for scum.

  8. “I hope he was careful with it, and I am serious about that. It is art, and art to me is as personal as personal property can get.”

    Oh please. THIS IS TRASH like most of todays “art”. The “artist” should also be trashed! Good Grief!

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