Military guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns undaunted by snow – IOTW Report

Military guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns undaunted by snow

WaEx: The guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier were undaunted by the D.C. region’s first accumulating snowfall of 2017.

Though the Arlington National Cemetery temporarily closed bus tours on Saturday due to slick conditions, the tomb sentinels remained vigilant and conducted a changing of the guard in front of a crowd.

The guards are members of the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment, also known as “the Old Guard.”

14 Comments on Military guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns undaunted by snow

  1. Amazing men, these guards. Not politically correct, either.

    When I was there once, I saw them verbally obliterate a group of laughing twenty-something Limey tourists.

  2. @Tim ~ not even close … my Post Orifice didn’t delivery yesterday …. 6″ of snow … so much for that slogan

    proud to say my son served in that unit for a couple of years. Ft. Myers, VA. did White House & Pentagon duty as well …. even gave a tour of the Pentagon to a Mr. Donald J. Trump & his second wife Marla … I crap you negative!

  3. Very impressive young men. Years ago when I lived in Alexandria I visited Arlington Cemetery and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier many times. IIRC, the only conditions that prevents their activity is nearby lightning strikes. Hot, cold, wet, icy, windy don’t faze them in the least. Again – very impressive men.

  4. Uncle Al there are some women in the unit now. I saw a video last week of a female Sgt. of the Guard chastise some talkative tourists.
    She sounded as “no nonsense” as Bad Brad’s Coleen must be.

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