The Most Happy Fella – IOTW Report

The Most Happy Fella


23 Comments on The Most Happy Fella

  1. Jimmy may no longer be the worst but for those of us who remember his presiduncy, he was very weak. Cardigan sweaters and hand wringing and 18% home mortgage rates.

  2. How ’bout incompetent, inexperienced, lazy, vactioning, golfing, childish, conceited, egotistical, naïve, wildly-spending, partying, vindictive, arrogant, stumbling, sarcastic, narcissistic, corrupt, stone-walling, out-of-touch, spineless, feckless, pot-headed, malicious, maladroit, petty, lawless, arrogant, scrawny, overstuffed, corrupt, flaming, ignorant, brainless, dickless, self-centered, purple-lipped, jug-eared,stair-prancing, Al-Qaeda-appeasing, bitch-slapped, pussy-whipped, dog-eating, flat-footed, out-of-touch, Lying-Denying, Deserter-honoring, Communist-Organizing, Gay-obsessed, plastic-banana, sheet-grabbing, pillow-biting, ankle-grabbing, hung-like-a-fieldmouse, phoney-baloney and, of course, Asshole.

  3. How does one compare Obozo to anyone? He is the first and worst half white president, first and worst half black president, first and worst African president, first and worst homosexual president, first and worst Mau Mau president and overall first and worst bat shit crazy President ever!

  4. Carter Must have been a really crappy president to be compared to Obama. I think his policies had a much more direct negative effect on American than Obama.

    Unemployment and underemployment has been terrible these past 8 years, but has less of a sting, as long as you look to government to bail you out. Food stamps, Obamacare, welfare, unemployment, section 8 housing, etc.

    I remember gas lines and high gas prices during Carter, Iran holding Americans hostage (deja Vu all over again, here), high interest rates and Carter’s photo op peace deal in Israel.

    Obama has been careful to mask the damaging effects of his failed policies, as much as possible. Insurance premiums were one thing that he couldn’t mask effectively, and even low info voters opened the premium letter, and said, ‘Oh, no fucking WAY!’.

  5. Carter may be the second worst President ever seen but don’t ever call this guy stupid or a coward. He passed Hyam Rickover’s Nuclear Submarine Commanders Course and that was know to be a nutbuster with a huge failure rate. Hyam would not let anyone into one of “his” nukes that he didn’t approve of. Secondly it’s not well known but Canada had it’s own three mile island back in the 1952 at Chalk River that destroyed the reactor, blew the top of the containment off and scattered the nuclear fuel. Carter led a US team up here to help with the gathering and burying of the destroyed fuel rods. He may have gone back to the States and become an leftish, big-government boob but don’t ever question his courage. Oh, and even though he never got to sea he was assigned to be the USS Seawolfs Engineering Officer but his fathers death scuttled that.
    I know he went on the screw up as President but one thing about the man was that he was honest and compare that against Democrats today.

  6. Watch it, America!!

    Jimmuh Caw-tuh still has 4-years of “eligibility” left, and he might try to take back his title. I mean, heck, you gotta be known for SOMETHING, right?

  7. I don’t know. He might still be the worst. My dad was never one to complain, but he used to talk about how horrible the economy was during Carter’s presidency. Interest rates were in the high teens

  8. Reboot
    “Sadly, that sack’o’shit used to be a submarine officer. Guess what? He sucked at that too!!”

    I am betting he was dangerous for the sub.
    He convinced me that presidential candidates need not be former mil.

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