Have You Gotten Your Daily Pantload Requirement Of Progressive BS? – IOTW Report

Have You Gotten Your Daily Pantload Requirement Of Progressive BS?

No? Then listen to this utter ridiculousness from Eric Alterman, who needs a bottle of water.

Why We’re Liberals –

Watch how he absolutely turns the notion of who liberals are and who conservatives are and switches them.

In his world, liberals are live and let live and conservatives wanna tell you how to live.

Liberals just don’t want to be tread on. Conservatives are the oppressors.

He has an entire book filled with this tripe.

He also implies that conservatives are kooky to think they don’t get a “fair shake” by the media. The right has invested a “gazillion” dollars in order to control the narrative and make people, who would naturally be liberals, think in unnatural ways.

If he’s lamenting the loss of the classical liberal that is an entirely different subject.

If he’s trying to imply that what we see from the left today is classic liberalism, I’m afraid he needs psychotropic drugs.

17 Comments on Have You Gotten Your Daily Pantload Requirement Of Progressive BS?

  1. Eric Alterman is an excellent example of yet another vastly over-educated (another “professor” abusing the brains of college students today), “never-done-an-honest-day’s-work”, brainwashed idiot that has never had to live in the harsh reality of existing in the physical world. Based on his bio, he’s never actually done a lick of physical labor or even worked a “real” job of any kind in the real world, yet he misguidedly believes that his “education” in the academic bubble that is so prevalent today has somehow provided him with supernatural knowledge such that he feels that he absolutely “knows” what “working people” believe and need.

    All of us deplorables (“conservatives”) are simply so stupid that we haplessly vote against our own interests (economic and otherwise) in every election, despite the “wisdom” people of his ilk espouse.

    As Ronald Reagan noted, “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”

    These moronic leftists / progressives like Alterman truly are so blinded by their own brilliance (aka BullShit) that they honestly can’t “see” the reality of why Trump won that is persistently poking them in their own eye while the patriotic backbone of America rebuilds itself under sane economic and social policies.

  2. An axiom to hang on the living room wall: The higher up the leftist food chain a person is, the more likely he’s deliberately lying.

    It is entirely possible, if not probable, that this guy is informed enough that he doesn’t actually believe a word he’s saying. He is simply reinforcing what the Left needs idiot voters to keep believing for the next four years so Democrats can get reelected.

    ALWAYS ASSUME THEY ARE LYING. Giving them the benefit of the doubt that they’re honestly ignorant or fooled, especially at his level, is no longer warranted.

  3. Freddy Mercury mouth (probably in more than one way) is the guy you get stuck next to at the party you never wanted to go to in the first place but your wife insisted since it was her co-workers partners Salon grand opening and all they served at the cash bar at the mall location was Michelob Ultra and White Zinfandel. FML.

  4. This guy is talking about CLASSIC liberalism which is more aligned to libertarianism. However the socialists co-opted the term. This guy is dishonest in NOT pointing this out probably because he is purposefully muddying the waters. Also, I’m surprised that all the commentators on IOTW did not pick up on this. (You all need to brush up on your history of Fabianism.)

  5. Funny how the “classic liberal” aligns himself with modern liberals and describes “classic liberalism” as if he is speaking about the modern liberal.
    His definition of “classic liberalism” is wrong, if this is what he’s trying to describe.
    He confuses classic liberals with nihilism.

  6. He says is “a willingness to follow evidence wherever it leads” and that “each man and woman are free to decide what they believe. Those two sentences, right there, are the problem with liberals. They DON’T follow evidence wherever it leads and as a result, decide without it what they want to believe.

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