…example of a hack media outlet.

Mark Dice breaks down a CBS radio “news” story where the editors manage to craft a way to report on the black thugs who kidnapped and terrorized a mentally handicapped white man and make it seem like it was Trump supporters doing the kidnapping and the victim black.

This is artful, I must say.

HT/ nm


19 Comments on CBS RADIO IS THE BEST…

  1. The LSM are circling the bowl.
    They have lost all credibility, which is why “new media” are flourishing.
    Keep it up, you jackals, and you’ll soon be extinct.

  2. Hearing intentional LYING like this from an organization, syndicate really, who falsely portrays its mission to “inform the public” when it acts to MISINFORM instead, makes me want not for them to go instinct, but cold dead in the gutter at the side of the road today.

  3. The local “news” radio stations out of NYC are beyond shameful. CBS News Radio, WOR710 News, WINS 1010 News, NBC News Radio, ABC News Radio… these are the absolute worst offenders. And a big part of the reason that NYC residents vote like retarded imbeciles.

  4. Why not send an email with the report, the time it aired (showing that CBS had all the facts and was deliberate in misleading the public)and demanding (in nice words) a response from the FCC as well as an on air apology from CBS from both radio and television in primetime. Send it to the FCC which, since Trump is now in charge, may actually do something. If the FCC orders CBS to make the corrections and they refuse they could find the license of the radio station pulled.

  5. Several years ago one of CBS’s halfwit propagandists stumbled on the word, peninsula, and pronouned it as pen-in-su-la, with the accent on the syllable, su. It reminded me of Les Nesman mispronouncing Chi Chi Rodriguez. The dying leftist media outlets are full of dishonest morons who actually think they are intelligent enough to fool everyone with their fake news. They’ve become so complacent and smug that their propaganda isn’t even creative. Dumbasses. I hope they continue. More people will ridicule them or ignore them.

  6. can someone explain to me why the white guy in the story is always referred to as a ‘man’ & the feral thugs are referred to as ‘youths’ when they are all the same age?

    btw, one of the best conservative/libertarian talk-show hosts out there, today, is Chris Plante, 9am-12pm M/F on WMAL 105.9, IHeartRadio

  7. We have no network TV in our house, unfortunately the only news that my sweetie gets is in the morning before work on NPR. She likes it because everybody sounds so calm and reasonable. So this morning I asked her if she had heard of this story, of course no. So I gave a synopsis of the story and 0bongo calling it a hate crime and then played this clip for her and it blew her away. I told her that is why any time spent with NPR is a waste of time. She isn’t liberal she just likes living in a bubble unfortunately. I guess it takes all kinds. I am just glad she doesn’t cancel my vote….

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