When Did Barack and Michelle Switch Genders? – IOTW Report

When Did Barack and Michelle Switch Genders?

Gender is fluid, dontchaknow, and Barack and Michelle’s flowed in and out of their respective bodies.

Clash Daily has a gallery which, in its totality, suggest that they are right – Michelle and Barack swapped their hormones.



Clash Daily has more

ht/ nm

17 Comments on When Did Barack and Michelle Switch Genders?

  1. Exactly why the left loves them so much. obozo acting like a fairy with Mike wearing the pants. Just as it’s supposed to be in today’s feminist “progressive” lunatic upside down world.

  2. Never.
    “Gender” is a grammatical term.
    Barky is what he (?) always was.
    Moose is what he (?) always was.
    As are all perverts (and humans, too, for that matter).
    We’re not African Frogs (Algerians? Moroccans?) who can change sex with the weather.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. They can’t go away soon enough. Yeegawds, what an embarrassment. Disgusting and repulsive both of them. As kids he was probably the last to be picked for a team and beaten up on a regular basis. She was constantly picked on for being so damn dumb and ugly. Probably has a couple permanent welts from well directed rocks.

  4. No wonder our president was more worried about transgendered people getting to use the rest room of their choice and so little about ISIS. Gender identity and the killing of fetuses……….the critical issues for democrats.

  5. Check out those shoulder raises with the five lb dumb bells. That’s how Obama developed the power to toss a baseball 10 feet short of home plate at the All Star game. That may very well be the most pussified dumb bell set ever attempted by a person of the male sex

    Seriously, I was using more weight when I was in the cardiac ICU after a quintuple bypass. And I was doing pec flys

  6. They probably switched when Mooch realized all the free clothes he could get as a cross dresser. Or it might have been when Barky quit/began to squat to pee on the flag.

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