6-year-old mistakenly orders $162 in treats chatting with Amazon Echo – IOTW Report

6-year-old mistakenly orders $162 in treats chatting with Amazon Echo

WTOP: (DALLAS) — A Texas mother recently discovered the downside of gadgets that let customers conveniently order things online with a mere voice command, and she’s using her own family’s tech mishap as a teaching moment for others.


Megan Neitzel of Dallas, Texas, said she was stunned when she found out that her 6-year-old daughter, Brooke, had ordered $162 worth of goods last week without permission by talking to Amazon Echo, the popular voice-activated device.

Neitzel said she quickly tried to cancel the order, but it was too late. It had already been processed.

The order, a Kidkraft dollhouse and four pounds of sugar cookies, arrived the next day, Neitzel said.


17 Comments on 6-year-old mistakenly orders $162 in treats chatting with Amazon Echo

  1. I wish the Mom would actually sue that hell out of Amazon and Jeff Bezos. This guy and his company are ramping up putting people out of work by automating their warehousing (among other things) and shipping but Bezos keeps harping on conservatives in the Washington Post for being anti-worker. In fact, the left wing drivel coming out of the Post seems to have increased since he purchased the rag.

  2. Is Monday now the official day for stories on idiot parents?

    1) “We didn’t know the capabilities of the device. I think our kids knew more about it then we did,” Neitzel said.
    ALL electronics have parental controls (parental + control, now there’s an oxymoron). There’s no excuse for not setting parameters. Next.

    2) I don’t buy it that the 6 yo just asked a random q. about cookies and dollhouses and poof, both items arrived the next day. Random search on amazon.com – dollhouses, 59,946, cookies – 44,666.
    How did amazon know which dollhouse and cookies she wanted? Next.

    3) If it was too late to cancel the order, how about refusing it upon delivery? No that would tamp down the “we’re such generous, virtuous people, we donated the dollhouse to charity” part of the story. What about hungry homeless people Mom, they like cookies too?! Next.

    Peddle your cutesy fake story someone else mom. I must be in a sour mood today, I don’t find humor or cuteness in these stories.

  3. With my three-year old that would have only been the opening salvo. United Parcel & FedEx would have been incapable, the gods would have had to be shipped in by rail.

    The other day she pinned the baby down and was up past her wrist stealing his chocolate out of his throat and had swallowed it before I could come to his rescue.

    She made the excuse that because he had chocolate and she didn’t, she was justified and was only righting a wrong. What she left out is that the only reason he had chocolate and she didn’t is because she ate hers right away and he was nibbling on his and savoring it.

  4. JDH: “She made the excuse that because he had chocolate and she didn’t, she was justified and was only righting a wrong. ”
    Better watch out. Sounds like she’s an SJW in the making.

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