Slobberfest For Obama – IOTW Report

Slobberfest For Obama


Probably sensing that we’ve had all we can take of Obama’s failures, a bunch of well- wishers try to convince the rest of us that his 8 years in office wasn’t a massively expensive waste.


Watching this video is like some cruel test of endurance.

14 Comments on Slobberfest For Obama

  1. His best accomplishment is getting Trump elected. People saw what the liberal vision for America is and soundly rejected it. Well done you jug eared POS. Now go cower in the corner you vile piece of shit. Fuck you.

  2. Have to put up with a rabid radical liberal neighbor, who came up with some non sense about America being so racist. Asked him if America is so racist, how come no one at Columbia University remembers Ocommie, supposedly the only black Poli Sci student in the class of 83. Shut him up.

  3. Ignorant celebrities bemoaning the peasants storming their special place, were a lack of realism and history are more important than reality. I can’t wait to see them throwing themselves in front of the trains transporting their gardeners and maids in cattle cars to Tijuana and Juarez.

  4. Scandal free and MOST transparent evah!! If you are going to lie you may as well go big. And he continues to daily by piling on more BS…he is the Father of the Tea Party, could have easily beaten Trump running a third time, he is the best golfer in POTUS history, etc. etc. etc.

  5. Back in the heyday of the old USSR, the Ministry Of Truth rewrote their textbooks to pretend everything worthwhile in human history was invented by Communists.
    Electricity. Light bulbs. Penicillin. X Rays. Railroads. The airplane. The automobile.

    Obama’s just following the Stalin playbook.

  6. Thanks for posting VietVet. When did Horse talk about the human rights violations of our so called friends and foes in the middle east? sex slaves, Christians being wiped out, gays being executed, women having their genitals mutilated,, Sharia law, stoning, lashing, cutting off heads, I could go on but it’s pointless.

  7. This man is a NARCISSIST. He lives on the adulation he gets from all his little underlings.
    They cannot get it through there stupid little brains that HE WAS NOT A GOOD PRESiDENT, NOT A GOOD MAN, and his agenda was voted away. And worst of all, he will never go away until Lucifer calls his back. He can’t live without being in the spotlight.

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