Meet Issa Rae – Trump Scares Her – IOTW Report

Meet Issa Rae – Trump Scares Her

Yahoo- “Every single time I see a tweet from that man…every single time I see some of the staff and administration he’s bringing, it gets worse and worse,” Rae said. “The scariest part is how normal it’s becoming to some people.”

“I think we just have to keep calling things out like, ‘No you’re lying! That’s not true! No, that doesn’t work that way!,’ Rae explained. “As long as we don’t continue to let him slide there might be some hope, but it’s scary.”




“Alls my life I’s has to fight, ni∫∫er,” is the opening line of Issa Rae’s Golden Globe level show, Insecure. All during the episode there is “music” in the background that enhances the action on screen. Some “lyrics” that I caught talk about 9 inch dicks popping pussies. (Thankfully not grabbing.) Another gem I caught was “dancin’ around shakin’ dem titties.”

The episode is called “Insecure as ƒuck.”

The other shows are


It’s not “scary” that this is the “new normal”?

Thanks Issa.

HT/ Menderman

18 Comments on Meet Issa Rae – Trump Scares Her

  1. idiot

    but not scared of

    95 million out of work
    world in chaos, isis on a roll
    neutered presidency
    illegal immigration and crime rampant
    no economy
    god-hating atheists
    blacks killing blacks
    not safe to be downtown anywhere usa
    delusional, mentally ill outgoing potus who has ruled for 8 yrs of abysmal failure enabled by the press
    the missed bullet of a hillary presidency which would exacerbate the above

    go to hell, you illiterate whore-mongering fool

  2. If she is so unhappy living among white people, in an awful white country, why isn’t she leaving for that bastion of human civilization, Africa – where she can be properly treated, by her own people, in her homeland?

  3. Like most of the voting population ignorant of what is happening in the world and how it is affecting America. Ignorance of a population can lead to its destruction. Most people don’t worry about the future while others are shaping and changing it. We must help guide the changes that will certainly happen for our and our children’s good.

  4. “The scariest part is how normal it’s becoming to some people.”

    This statement should be applied to black Americans acting like savages. Procreating irresponsibly, uncivil in public, unambitious, shall I go on?

    I will not, in fact I cannot, take seriously someone who speaks like lil’ black Sambo, in order to distinguish themselves. Seriously. Raycist cracker that I am, I have never persuaded anyone to behave like many blacks voluntarily do today:

    Offensive as it truly was, back in the day, this was supposed to be comic. In America 2017, this is a tragic portrayal of an entire twerking generation

  5. Trump scares her? Hey sweet heart. Try strolling through any part of south Chicago. I guarantee you three things; The area is 100% black, Trump never was and never will be there. And you’re gonna shit your pants in the first two blocks.

  6. As a child, Rae lived in Potomac, Maryland, where she grew up with “things that aren’t considered ‘black,’ like the swim team and street hockey and Passover dinners with Jewish best friends.”[14] When she was in sixth grade, her family moved to the Windsor Hills section of Los Angeles where she attended a predominantly black middle school where Rae said she was “berated for ‘acting white'” and initially found it difficult to “fit into this ‘blackness’ I was supposed to be.”[15] Rae graduated from King Drew Magnet High School of Medicine and Science, where she started acting.[2] Her parents divorced when she was in high school.[13]:100–102

    In 2007, Rae graduated from Stanford University with a major in African and African-American Studies.

  7. Hell, with that kind of pedigreed upbringing, I would be considered a “privileged white”. Guess you have to get back to your “roots” , right Issa? Pathetic….

  8. Oohhhhhhh……she’s an “ACTRESS”. I only want verification so that I can avoid her and anything she’s in and does.
    If she’s SSOOOOOOOO afraid of my lily white white world, she’d be even more afraid of my money, so I’ll not scare her with it.

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