Calaveras Big Trees State Park: Storm topples historic ‘Pioneer Cabin Tree’ – IOTW Report

Calaveras Big Trees State Park: Storm topples historic ‘Pioneer Cabin Tree’

MercuryNews: For 2,000 years, the “Pioneer Cabin Tree” grew in peaceful grandeur in a land not yet California — reaching ever taller as the Miwoks hunted, the Aztec mined gold, Chinese perfected silk, Romans expanded their empire and waves of new immigrants arrived in America.


Yesterday, with stunning finality of a beheading, it fell.

The aging giant was pronounced dead at 3:30 p.m. Sunday, toppled by fierce winds and eight inches of rain in its home in the North Grove of Calaveras Big Trees State Park in Arnold, northeast of Stockton.


No one saw it fall, but a stunned park docent discovered the shattered tree on an afternoon walk, then called authorities.

This week, the grove is cordoned off as tree pathologists arrive to conduct a detailed post-mortem.  There are no immediate plans for its fate. MORE


25 Comments on Calaveras Big Trees State Park: Storm topples historic ‘Pioneer Cabin Tree’

  1. what a difference

    a liberal would cry over the tree and make sure the death of the tree doesn’t go to waste by enacting some insane legislation.

    a conservative will figure how to make sure the tree its self doesn’t go to waste.

  2. I know it will be missed.

    The wood should make for a lot of interesting projects. Maybe sell it to the public or build a cabin with it to sell more stuff from inside. lol.

  3. Kinda sad. That tree was only a few miles from my property. Did take some houseguest to see it last August. At 2000 years old and that yuge hole bored through it, no wonder it fell.

  4. In the article it stated that the tree had only ONE limb left alive. How can you call that a living tree? I see it as this gigantic dead tree finally fell. Anyone with a heart would have cut it down long ago and put it out of its misery. The wood is probably termite infested too.

  5. @Menderman: “Maybe they shouldn’t have cut a big ass hole in it that a car can drive through and it would still be standing.”

    Those were my almost exact words today when I heard the news at work! I left out the “big ass” part!

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