Sasha Obama missed her dad’s farewell speech because she had an exam – IOTW Report

Sasha Obama missed her dad’s farewell speech because she had an exam

How noble.

wash examiner- Sasha Obama, the youngest daughter of President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama, missed her dad’s farewell speech in Chicago because she has an exam at school in the morning, according to a White House official.

Social media was abuzz Tuesday over Sasha’s absence when President Obama gave a tearful tribute to his daughters and wife.

“Malia and Sasha, under the strangest of circumstances, you have become two amazing young women. You are smart, and you are beautiful, but more importantly, you are kind, and you are thoughtful, and you are full of passion,” Obama said. “And you wore the burden of years in the spotlight so easily. Of all that I have done in my life, I am most proud to be your dad.”

Malia Obama, who is taking a gap year before attending college, was at the event.

26 Comments on Sasha Obama missed her dad’s farewell speech because she had an exam

  1. “you wore the burden of years in the spotlight so easily”

    wow, just as delusional as streep in whose way of life is threatened. what freaking burden jug ears?

    “I am most proud to be your dad”

    again taking credit for others accomplishments. hey jug ears, “you didn’t build that, someone else did”.

  2. “under the strangest of circumstances”.
    That’s saying something. Probably as close to an admission as we’ll ever from him about how they came to be.

    I didn’t see it. I hear it was one heck of a good campaign speech for some people.

  3. “Of all that I have done in my life, I am most proud to be your dad.” That is a statement an unaccomplished loser hides behind.
    He should be as proud of this, as Clinton was of his diddling his chubby intern under the desk. Both are total wastes of carbon.

    Two MOST UNWORTHY jackasses who instead should have been leaders of the “Free World”

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