George Clooney – Moron – IOTW Report

George Clooney – Moron

Huff Po-

Actor George Clooney kept that trend going Monday at a reception in London for “The White Helmets,” a Netflix documentary on Syrian first responders. At the reception, which was hosted by The Clooney Foundation for Justice, Clooney posed a question to Donald Trump that’s been on everyone’s mind:

“Aren’t you supposed to be running the country?”

Uh, yeah, isn’t he?


Uh, no, he isn’t president yet.

“Aren’t you supposed to be making movies that no one goes to see?”

30 Comments on George Clooney – Moron

  1. the list of “stars” who i will boycott is growing, and i have a shorter list of those who i will support

    mel gibson
    bruce willis
    kurt russell
    tom selleck
    sam elliot
    jon voight (jon, i forgive your 70s liberalism)
    james woods
    etc, there are others

  2. This is the same ignorant pos that joked about Chuck Hestons Alzheimer’s disease (while he was still aware and understood what was coming), was the Darfur hero until the press coverage died off and hasn’t made a really profitable movie in years. Just another Hollywood leech.

  3. Actually, Trump isn’t supposed to be running the country yet. But he is. Obama is running around on his farewell tour, and Trump is acting as the President. Even more surprising is that many people and nations are already treating Trump as the actual President instead of the President-elect.

    The United States has had a vacuum of leadership for eight years, and Trump has stepped in to fill this role even prior to inauguration. Clooney’s statement is confirmation that even liberals consider Trump to be more capable of being a leader than Obama.

  4. “Aren’t you supposed to be running the country?”

    Well, it’s like this, George … see … the United States of America is a Republic – of the People, by the People, and for the People.
    “We, the People of the United States … do ordain and establish …” Which means, quite clearly and unambiguously, that We, the People, are sovereign – We, the People, are responsible for “running the country” and that the President is our Executive Officer. We, the People, have appointed (through the electoral process) him to execute our will, our laws, and our intentions (as much as they can be discerned).
    I realize that this is different from your experience, where a “Director” explains to you how to enunciate the lines written for you by the screenwriter, and how to best pretend to be someone you’re not – but that’s not the same thing – a country run by the citizens of that country isn’t the same as a movie set run by the Producer through the Director.
    See? It’s different. The citizens of the United States of America are not actors pretending to be something, but actual people, citizens, living in Freedom and Liberty in a Republic whose first mission is to protect those Freedoms and Liberties.

    Now go back to pretending to make Lattes with Danny Devito and leave the governance to us.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Another guy that lives in a bubble. So evolved marrying a Muslim and keeping himself surrounded by like minded globalist morons. Does anyone else get the impression none of these people are particularly happy, and not just because HRC lost.

  6. I wish they would go ahead and swear Trump in, even if it’s private or secret.
    Then have the inauguration, as usual.
    As said above, everyone looks to him as our President now.

  7. Hollywood is doing a pretty good job of shrinking its audience.
    Demographics matter.

    After actively driving away everyone who is not a Millenial SJW hip hop LBGTQ Ally, flops are becoming the new normal.

    They’ve about exhausted the pool of lame remakes and bleak joyless “edgy reboots ” of old comic books.

    Netflix just reminds us how uninteresting the current Hollywood product is.

    I’d like to see conservatives launch a real cable network, and then a feature films studio.

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