Excerpt from ‘Gosnell: The Untold Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer’ – IOTW Report

Excerpt from ‘Gosnell: The Untold Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer’

Breitbart: Later this year, producers Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinny (FrackNation) and director Nick Searcy (Justified) will bring the story of notorious Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell to the big screen.


Gosnell — who has been called America’s “most prolific serial killer” — operated what the 300-page grand jury report later called a “baby charnel house,” in which he regularly killed babies born alive at his clinic, which itself was staffed with inexperienced nurses and littered with blood-stained furniture and the remains of fetuses stored in basement freezers. Gosnell was later convicted of three counts of first-degree murder and hundreds of lesser charges, and in 2013 was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

But before the film comes out, McAleer and McElhinny will release Gosnell: The Untold Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer, through Regnery Publishing on January 24. The book details the investigation that ultimately brought Gosnell down, and also examines the mainstream media’s reluctance to cover the story due to its subject matter.  more

24 Comments on Excerpt from ‘Gosnell: The Untold Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer’

  1. My siblings and I were all adopted. Back in the 60’s before some liberated judges made abortion a new religion in all 50 states. In my opinion, all abortion supporting men and women can’t all go to hell fast enough.

  2. Too many folks do not use birth control. Why should they? If they’re black or poor they know rich whitey will pay for their abortions. If abortion is not free or easy, watch how fast all those worthless dead beats start using birth control. Maybe it’s time for mandatory sterilization for abortion recipients?

  3. I want women to have a choice. Don’t spread your legs if you don’t want to get pregnant.
    If you choose to have sex and make a baby, don’t take the choice of life away from the child.
    “You have a God-given right to live inside your mother. To debate whether it’s right or wrong to rip you out of your mother’s womb? What in the world has happened to us?”
    – Phil Robertson

  4. “I guess not getting pregnant when having consensual intercourse is really difficult for some people and their lifestyle means more than life itself. A more selfish act does not exist.”

  5. Brutal reality that the left tries to hide.

    Every mother contemplating abortion needs to attend a class depicting the brutality and options.

    Once may be a mistake. Any more and the choice is no longer yours.

    Baby fathers of numerous children by different moms need to be sterilized by vasectomy. It isn’t cruel for pets and it isn’t cruel for out of control humans.

  6. MJA-that was part of my argument. Another part was that I mentioned her beloved Federal and State forms of government make it super expensive and sometimes just downright impossible and disheartening for anyone to adopt, while her baby-killer friends can walk in and get an abortion for under $500.

  7. Oh my. As a (retired) post-abortion consultant for healing, I know that there will be many men and women going to this movie. Those men and women who don’t have the understanding that they can entrust their baby to God and His Mercies, but came to the realization that what they did was very wrong, will/can have a horrible meltdown. A PTSD type reaction. Please pray for these people.

    I also hope that God puts healing consultants and therapists in the theaters for those who need them, when they need them.

    Post-abortive people are drawn to such as if to keep condemning themselves or to try to make sense of what they did or allowed to happen.

  8. There is nothing more heartless than murdering your own baby in the womb. There is nothing more noble than going through pregnancy to give away a baby you didn’t want or can’t care for to a loving man and women to raise the child as their own.

  9. Societies do not generally arrive at a status where life is devalued all at once; it starts with the “small” things. Abortion early in the term – it’s just a clump of cells, isn’t it? Later in term, well, the fetus isn’t viable outside the womb – that’s not so bad is it? Late term abortion – sure, the fetus may be viable, but I have my own life to live unencumbered by a baby. As so on; at some point progressives may agitate for just killing newborns for convenience.

    We are heading to the same point with euthanasia. Terminally ill – let them end their suffering. But if they can’t make that decision, then let’s allow next of kin to make that decision. How about old people – they don’t have long to live and don’t contribute to society. Hey, how about just letting medical professionals make those determinations? And while we are at it, perhaps we can permanently weed out those we don’t deem worthy to contribute to and exist in our society.

    Over the centuries, most societies have evolved to the point where life is not cheap, and the right to exist has value. But now we are going the other way; we can terminate pregnancies for no other reasons than it seems convenient, and in doing so we cheapen life so that someone else’s existence is measured by their value to us and whether or not we see them as an imposition or not.

    This type of slippery slope will not end well.

  10. Wyatt, yep. It started when Christian religions changed their rules on birth control in the late 30s or early 40’s, gained momentum with the pill, and with pill or user failure, proceeded to “need” for abortion on demand.

    We are about near the stage when the Romans put their unwanteds outside the city walls.

  11. I saw today that Dutarte is going to be giving
    away free birth control to women in the P.I. For
    that country I wouldn’t mind it at all. Now if
    the catholics won’t demean them…..

  12. “Post-abortive people are drawn to such as if to keep condemning themselves or to try to make sense of what they did or allowed to happen.”

    They must acknowledge that they sinned grievously and their conscience is eating away at them because that’s it’s job. The LAST thing they need told is to “forgive themselves” in order to “heal” as many (not saying you) would advise them. Only the cross of Christ can truly cleanse them, 1 Cor 15:3-4.

  13. @ grool
    It is a “given” that only God can cleanse anyone for any sin but we nave to forgive ourselves also, otherwise we are placing our judgement above God’s judgement – pride. Ie. “Our sin is too great forGod to forgive,”

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