WOW- Iceland Airline is Offering Fights From California to Scandinavian Destinations For $87 – IOTW Report

WOW- Iceland Airline is Offering Fights From California to Scandinavian Destinations For $87

Good deal.

I think everyone in California should buy a one-way ticket.

Wow Air looks like a giant dildo.

ht/ the big owe


20 Comments on WOW- Iceland Airline is Offering Fights From California to Scandinavian Destinations For $87

  1. we should start a #GoFundMe one-way flight for all the butt-hurt Hollywood Progtards … starting w/ all those back-pedaling asswipes that vowed to leave

    step up, buttheads … start cashing that mouth-check that your asses, obviously, can’t cash

  2. I hate to be a Debbie Downer but that low price is for tickets from Scandinavia TO California. They don’t mention how much it costs to fly FROM California. They’ll probably charge ten or twenty times more to escape from Cali. Just like U-Haul rentals – cheap headed into the Socialist Republic but pricey for those exiting the state.

  3. Check their planes coming back this way and make sure they’re not stuffed to the brim with folks from that mass migration from the Middle East.

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