Great Example of “real” FAKE NEWS: Neighbor Saves Neighbor- Sniped Home Intruders From Bedroom Window – IOTW Report

Great Example of “real” FAKE NEWS: Neighbor Saves Neighbor- Sniped Home Intruders From Bedroom Window

There are “real” fake news sites (oxymoron, I know) whose sole purpose is to fabricate stories in order to get people to click, have the story go viral, and then collect revenue from it.

Is CNN actually a “fake news” organization? Not in the classic sense, no.

They’re not in the business of creating fake stories in order to collect ad revenue. They are in the business to sway political opinion. That’s bigger revenue!

To be fair, only a small portion of CNN’s coverage is fake. They cover real stories, it’s just that 100% of it is filtered through their ridiculous bias. Fake News is a misnomer. We have to come up with a more accurate descriptor. (Any suggestions?)

Here’s a classic fake news story that was just sent in. ( The only way CNN would ever cover this story would be to bash the fake hero as a perpetrator of gun violence.)

Seattle Tribune- (Not linking. It’s a fake news site.)

…after cleaning and reassembling the rifle, Elmore rested it on the sill of his bedroom window to adjust its scope. While adjusting the scope it unintentionally landed on one of his neighbor across the street’s open windows; Elmore told police and reporters that he was amazed at what he saw happening inside. Elmore told local ABC affiliate reporter Karen Lodestone, “I honestly thought I was dreaming hallucinating at first – it took over a minute for the situation to fully register in my brain”.

 What Elmore saw through the high-powered scope on his riffle was – his neighbors, Fredrick and Lydia Cole tied to chairs in their upstairs family-room. The couple’s 2-children Douglas (11-years-old) and Daniel (6-years-old) were sitting near their mother – also tied to kitchen-style chairs.

According to Elmore, the mother and children had what looked to be duct-tape around their mouths and 3 masked-intruders appeared to be focusing primarily on Fredrick Cole. The 3 masked-intruders were holding handguns and were acting in a very violent manner – often destroying the Cole’s property or striking Fredrick Cole in the face with their pistols.

Things seemed to be escalating quickly at the Cole residence and Elmore used his bedroom telephone to call 911. After notifying authorities, Elmore continued to monitor the situation across the street. According to Elmore, while waiting for the police to arrive things continue to escalate rapidly at the Cole residence and he was greatly concerned for the family’s safety. Elmore told reporters that his military training and instinct kicked in and he knew that he had to do something to intervene.

Elmore proceeded to load his rifle with the custom 7.62 x 51mm ammunition and stationed himself at his bedroom window. As Elmore continued to watch the situation unfold across the street, the home intruders became increasingly more violent. As one of the intruders held his handgun (later identified as a .45 caliber Taurus 1911) to Mrs. Cole’s head – Elmore took the first shot from his riffle immediately striking his intended target.

According to Elmore and members of the Cole family – the home intruder instantly fell to the floor dropping his weapon in the process. The remaining 2-home intruders were visibly stunned and confused by the incident and gave Elmore enough time to fire 2 additional rounds striking both remaining intruders before they had an opportunity to retaliate.

(Not linking)

Hoax Slayer


38 Comments on Great Example of “real” FAKE NEWS: Neighbor Saves Neighbor- Sniped Home Intruders From Bedroom Window

  1. Too bad the writer didn’t flesh it out and make a good story of it, send it to a publisher, and actually get paid for it.

    I mean, if you’re going to put the effort into something, why not make it somethimg worthwhile?

  2. Just like the story about the kid dying in Santa’s arms last month. Now days I find myself giving every story the sniff test. This one smells really bad. Any gun person could would have serious doubts about this story.

  3. CNN has broken the chain – the chain of trust. It will take a long time for them to regain that trust but ony if they start reporting the truth rather than being a politocal whore site.

  4. old_oaks,

    7.62 by 51 NATO is a lower pressure cartridge compared to a 308 Winchester. Snipers like distance. All American 308 Sniper rifles are chambered for 308 Winchester B. There are accuracy (consistency) issues as well.

  5. We have to come up with a more accurate descriptor. (Any suggestions?)

    Slanted News

    Massaged News

    What would a stealth Communist News Network committed to destroying America do differently than what CNN does?

    Enemedia with Enenews

    (just like free-style enemas, shit all over the place)

  6. Brad, .308 is far more generic and believable. Seems to me the story was written by one of the products of all the hype surrounding Chris Kyle. You know, the vented-baseball-cap-with-a-beard wannabees. Hell, he could have done it with something even more villified, say something like the 5.56 variety.

  7. @Brad: ““Lost me at 7.62×51.”

    No American “Sniper” would shoot that. Ever.”

    Brad, you wanna’ check that statement? That round is in use today all around the world in that role. Most especially in urban environments.

  8. Yeah, the 7.62×51 would be fine for my Saiga, but nothing else I can shoot .308 out of.

    The odd mix of detail and generalization screams fake to me. Killing the other two was barely referenced yet I get to know the make and model of the bad guy’s pistol?

    Yeah. That along with 7.62×51 being oddly precise but a poor choice for any gun with a precision scope. Kind of like stolen valor. Know enough to fool the uninitiated but draw raised eyebrows with the more experienced.

  9. @Brad: “7.62 by 51 NATO is a lower pressure cartridge compared to a 308 Winchester. Snipers like distance. All American 308 Sniper rifles are chambered for 308 Winchester B. There are accuracy (consistency) issues as well.”

    Brad, tell me the difference in the chambering reamer between .308 and 7.62 X 51. Nobody said designated marksmen or ‘snipers’ were using infantry issue 7.62X51 ammo. Which is mostly linked and is machinegun ammo. But Lake City makes 7.62 for semi-auto and bolt guns, using 168 and 195 grain bullets, that come in 20 round boxes for those shooters. I got some here on hand. It is wonderful stuff.

    The boys out of Ft. Bragg load their own. They use LC brass for the 7.62, Winchester for the 300 mag, and Starline for some of the weird big bore stuff like the .458 SOCOM.

  10. My BIL sent this link to me this morning. It sounded like it was written by a lefty anti-gunner. “7.62 x 51” could have been cut and pasted from wikipedia. Along with noting the “custom ammunition” implying that he handloads to “make it more deadly!”. He’s also the obligatory crazed vet like every B movie. The kicker was the “HIGH POWERED” scope, civilians shouldn’t even be able to own those!

  11. “Brad, you wanna’ check that statement? That round is in use today all around the world in that role. Most especially in urban environments.”

    Yep. Around the world. Except American Snipers that shoot the 308 round. They shoot 308 Winchester. Not that hard to verify.

    There a difference in chambering. A 7.62 by 51 round has aprox. 60,000 PSI chamber pressure. A 308 Winchester has approx 62,000 PSI. You cam find warnings up and down the Internet about shooting the 308 round thru a NATO chamber. Kind of reverse of 223/556. A 150 grain NATO round leaves the barrel at about 2700 ft/sec. A 150 grain 308 round leaves the barrel at about 2850. Our Snipers train with 308 ammo and snipers don’t like changing much in their set ups. Therefore American Snipers shoot the 308 Winchester round and if the guy in this story was a US trained Sniper he would not have referred to it as the NATO round.
    Why would our troops use a sub standard round in battle? I know a few old MARSOC guys and I’ve never heard them say 7.62 by 51.
    The good thing about the 7.62 by 51 is you can find them cheap in the old plastic battle packs.

  12. like and fake news site you have to read the Disclaimer page:
    The Seattle Tribune is a news and entertainment satire web publication. The Seattle Tribune may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within The Seattle Tribune are fictional and presumably satirical news – with the exception of our ‘list style’ articles that include relevant sources. The content published on The Seattle Tribune is intended to be entertainment and is often intended to generate thought and discussion among its readers. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental. Advice given is NOT to be construed as professional. If you are in need of professional help, please consult a professional. The Seattle Tribune is not intended for children under the age of 18. 

  13. Guys, I’m currently using Lake City M118LR, the 7.62×51 Match/sniper round used by the military. It’s a 175gr sierra match projectile with the tiny hollow point for accuracy, and it prints great out of my Armalite AR10 SASS. They used to use the 168gr projectile, but found that 175 was more consistent. The standard M80 ball round uses a 147gr projectile and is what is used in M-60 machine guns and M-14 rifles.

    While the M-40 style sniper rifle is still in use, most sniper units are using the 338 Lapua to reach beyond 1200 yards or the 50 cal to really reach out and touch someone.

  14. The odd thing about 7.62 and .308 is the commercial cartridge is shorter, something like .015. In the “modern” game of things, both are interchangeable. I agree, chambers for specialty purpose are still designed one way. However I’ve bought numerous boxes of ammunition that are labeled as being both .223 & 5.56 x 46 or .308 & 7.62 x 51, so the confusion will never end.

  15. Old Oak,
    Here’s a good one. We sell a lot of Creedmoors and 260 Remington’s on our 308 platform gun. The Creedmoor and the 260 are .025 longer than the spec on. 308 round. Pmags run fine in our 308 chambered guns. The other two won’t run in a Pmag. The plastic mag swells bigly sideways dumping your rounds all over. Won’t feed. The plastic mags swell side ways. Makes no sense. Building a 338 Federal for the first time this month. That should be interesting.

  16. Oops county. I blame my iPhone

    I had one of these back in the day
    Bolt action pistol

    All but the XP-100R model were single-shot designs, while the XP-100R had a small internal magazine (holding four rounds), similar to most bolt-action rifles. The R model – for “repeater” – was made 1991-1997 in .223 Rem., .250 Savage, 7mm-08 Rem., .308 Win., .35 Rem., and 350 Rem. Mag. It was reintroduced in 1998, this time without sights, in .223 Rem., .22-250 Rem., .260 Rem., and .35 Rem
    Really a fun gun to shoot.

  17. I really like the performance of a hand loaded 30.06 cartridge.
    This was my choice for long range precision shooting
    Then I got my hands on the .338 Lapua Magnum. Wow.
    Using a Remington 700
    First time I saw someone using this was at the range shooting long range precision rifle.
    I had never seen or heard of this ammo. Early 90’s I think.
    If you get a chance to shoot this ammo do it.

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