Cosmopolitan Writer Eats Wife’s Cooked Placenta – IOTW Report

Cosmopolitan Writer Eats Wife’s Cooked Placenta

Perfectly normal.

Cannibilism. It’s what’s for dinner.

Ht/ FDR in Hell (They have a subscription down there.)

28 Comments on Cosmopolitan Writer Eats Wife’s Cooked Placenta

  1. Dogs and cat mothers eat their own placenta after birth to provide mega nutrients for their suckling newborns.

    This guy.

    Recreational dining on nasty.

    Honestly I only dined on a small portion of his experience. Why read about stupid people doing disgusting things? If I was into freaky shit like this I’d hang out on another website.

    Bad IOTW. Very bad.

  2. Imagine the night night story he’ll be telling his little one about the time he/she was born, “…and then, I ate your life support system.”, poor kid will be scarred for life.

  3. Some people are seriously ‘earthy’ about birth. I was born at home and the midwife kept telling my mother that the placenta was the healthiest she’d ever seen and how cooking it and eating it or burying it under a young tree would be a great idea.

    …my mom being rather earthy herself, DID consider the tree burying option.

  4. Wow. I thought the accepted practice these days was to make it into a doll.
    There are numerous taboos regarding parturition in other cultures.
    If I recall correctly, Sir James Fraser mentioned this in The Golden Bough. But I think it was usually women who ate the placenta.
    Males generally ate the heart of their enemies, and made the skulls into a drinking vessel.

    Petty sure a dingo would eat it…

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