Biden Walks Back Claim That Donald Trump Is ‘Unqualified’ To Be President – IOTW Report

Biden Walks Back Claim That Donald Trump Is ‘Unqualified’ To Be President

DC: Joe Biden is walking back his statement that Donald Trump is unqualified to be president.

The vice president — who in August said that Trump was “totally, thoroughly unqualified” to be president — said he just meant that the president-elect was unqualified in terms of foreign policy on “The View” Friday.

“First of all, in context of the campaign — in terms of qualified — it was in the context of how much did he know about American foreign policy,” Biden said.

“Understandably, he comes at it without any background in the area. What I worry about is the inadvertent mistake in the near term on foreign policy. I don’t mean any nuclear war or that malarkey — what I think is that there’s a lot of complicated circumstances in Eastern Europe and Ukraine. There’s a lot in the South China Sea. In Latin America.”

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18 Comments on Biden Walks Back Claim That Donald Trump Is ‘Unqualified’ To Be President

  1. “What worries me most is he’s taken — thus far — the crown jewel of American security is our intelligence community. Everything we do we rely upon those 16 different agencies.”

    Joey should have been worried for the past eight years about U.S. intelligence, but he wasn’t, which tells me he needs to focus on his own compromised intelligence before he starts picking at Trump.

  2. Joe is a canny, savvy old Northeastern pol. He knows which way the wind’s blowing. And he’d like to skate away from all the coming Investigations of HRC, Barry, etc.

    The stupid-senile shtick is a well developed act so he can appear “harmless ” when he needs to.

    I expect Joe is in for the same rude awakening as the rest of them.

    Drain the Swamp.
    Arrest the coup plotters.
    With a military tribunal.

  3. Glad it wasn’t frantic bug-eyed Joe but Grandpa Joe the wise statesman that showed up at the show. He was seated next to that nasty/crazy Behar bitch. It would have driven View viewers to a frenzy.

  4. And Barack Hussein Obama knew about foreign policy 8 years ago? Give me a break Joe. Hell, Trump has forgotten more about foreign policy than Barky ever knew. The biggest thing Barky ever did before becoming president was run a bake sale in Grant Park and somehow he was qualified to be president? 🙄

  5. As I recall, the qualifications for becoming President don’t have anything to do with popular opinion. Be it the opinions of TV and movie celebrities, activists, or politicians.

  6. Don’t be so dismissive, Left Coast Dan. There’s depth to the man. Unbelievable depth. Layers of depth…

    “…actually, my experience in foreign policy is probably more diverse than most others in the field. I’m somebody who has actually lived overseas, somebody who has studied overseas. I majored in international relations.”

  7. 16 Intelligence Agencies. Good heavens THAT swamp needs draining, for sure. That are too busy stumbling over each other, trying to justify their existence, to be of use!

  8. @Mighty Mojo January 14, 2017 at 9:59 am

    If the only “proof” you have is “according to top men. Top. Men.” — you might, just might, call BS. But, when you have “proof” from “seven top men. Top. Men.” — and “they” might even be different Top. Men. — well, that settles it, now don’t it?

    (And, yeah, the budget ain’t bad, neither.)

  9. Giving it some thought, It occurred to Joe that at the Inauguration he will be within arms reach of Trump, and Donald might just throw a poke at him, aiming for his mouth.

  10. I heard the Science Channel is going to give him a go for a pilot episode of his amazing feats of science show. The first amazing act is courtesy of BFH where Joey melts ice using just his mind.
    Should be interesting, especially if hosted by Bill Nye and Neil deGross Tysonchicken.

  11. Let’s see:
    Born in US, so Natural born citizen: check
    over 35 yrs of age: check
    been fourteen years a resident within the United States: check
    Never been president twice before: check

    What’s to disqualify him slow joe?

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