EnviroLoonies In For A Rough Year – IOTW Report

EnviroLoonies In For A Rough Year


All the hysterical fear mongering, industrial sabotage and tantrum chanting isn’t going to help them now.  2017 is shaping up to be a terrible year for the environmental left.


11 Comments on EnviroLoonies In For A Rough Year

  1. Here’s hoping that Trump will overturn all of the “green” regulations, end “clean power” investment (giving failing wind and solar companies our tax dollars), and ok the Keystone pipeline.

    My thought is that, after 2-3 years and no catastrophe happens because of climate change, and all the benefits of crushing the greenie’s money-making schemes, people who accepted the “settled science” will have their eyes opened. “My God, the conservatives were RIGHT!!”

  2. “Environmentalists” really needs to have scare quotes around it. It’s simply fact that in general their actions have worsened our impact on the environment, not improved it. They often have little connection to nature, likely less than their conservative counterparts living in ‘flyover country’, and more often are repeating a headline they read rather than having any understanding of environmental impact.

  3. Donald Trump now has the unflattering distinction of being the only head of state in the entire world to reject the scientific consensus that mankind is driving climate change.

    There IS no such thing as “scientific consensus.” Consensus is a political creature. Science deals in true and false — nothing more. And as Michael Crichton so eloquently pointed out, the consensus has always been wrong. From continental drift not happening to bad air causing malaria.

    And that quote by Michael Brune of the Sierra Club just proves that Trump is also the smartest head of state in the world.

  4. If any of these idiot protesters show up near me (unlikely), I think I’ll go and counter-demonstrate. I’m curious about just what kind of reaction I’d get to my sign:


  5. the well-paid conspirators in the far-left, billions-funded Environmental Industry always say they are out to Do Good when in reality they are only Out To Do Well For Themselves.

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