Charges of Influence Peddling By Clinton Affirmed After Foundation Shuttering in Wake of Election Defeat – IOTW Report

Charges of Influence Peddling By Clinton Affirmed After Foundation Shuttering in Wake of Election Defeat


The Clinton Foundation’s long list of wealthy donors and foreign government contributors during the 2016 elections provoked critics to allege conflicts of interests. Clinton partisans defended the organization’s charitable work, and dismissed claims that it served as a means for the Clintons to sell off access, market themselves on the paid speech circuit, and elevate their brand as Hillary Clinton campaigned for the presidency.

But as soon as Clinton lost the election, many of the criticisms directed toward the Clinton Foundation were reaffirmed. Foreign governments began pulling out of annual donations, signaling the organization’s clout was predicated on donor access to the Clintons, rather than its philanthropic work. In November, the Australian government confirmed it “has not renewed any of its partnerships with the scandal-plagued Clinton Foundation, effectively ending 10 years of taxpayer-funded contributions worth more than $88 million.” The government of Norway also drastically reduced their annual donations, which reached $20 million a year in 2015.

On January 12, the Clinton Foundation received more bad news: a WARN notice was filed with the New York Department of Labor. The main office of the Clinton Global Initiative in New York City would be closing, laying off 22 employees. The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN) “offers protection to workers, their families and communities by requiring employers to provide notice 60 days in advance of covered plant closings and covered mass layoffs. This notice must be provided to either affected workers or their representatives (e.g., a labor union); to the State dislocated worker unit; and to the appropriate unit of local government.” The reason for the filing was stated as the “discontinuation of the Clinton Global Initative,” after CGI previously announced layoffs leading up to the general election.


13 Comments on Charges of Influence Peddling By Clinton Affirmed After Foundation Shuttering in Wake of Election Defeat

  1. Like all snakes shedding their skin to take on a new look, expect to see a re branding of this clowntastrify in the future. Until they are 6 feet under, they are still breathing.

  2. If you youngins need some perspective on how “political vendettas” are the source of all allegations: look at how deferent the “vast right-wing conspiracy” was to Jimmy Carter, during and after his election, and after his crushing electoral defeat, and how scandalous his “retirement” fund raising has been.

  3. The clintons are drug addled pedophiles. They have committed atrocities that the
    average person cannot imagine. Don’t doubt this for a minute.
    If we lived in lawful times they would be executed for crimes against humanity.

  4. Australia 88 million dollars! Well now, it would appear that this country is not the only one filled to the brim with stupid, gullible and malleable tax payers!

  5. Their closing down operations in hopes of avoiding prosecution in the states where they were operation. Being a Blue state I would imagine NY is not to anxious to go after the Clintons, so long at the pack their carpet bag and skedaddle back to Arkansas.

  6. Disgruntled Lefty Millenial female ex-employees who’ve just lost everything and have no future.

    They’ll all have made their own copies of the incriminating CFdn emails and docs and money transfers.

    With so many small fry eager to cop a plea, the RICO prosecutors will have a slam dunk.

    I look forward to reading about Podesta’s suicide attempts while awaiting his sentencing.

  7. Is it shutting down because of

    a) donations drying up due to HRC loss and the total lack of Clinton influence on anything

    b) terror of the DJT admin investigating the Clinton “charity” and finding out what abominations and atrocities they have actually been participating in all this time

    c) BOTH!

    Regardless, you can be sure the shredders and bleach bits and even a “cloth” or two are in a frenzy right this moment.

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