Congress’ Planned Parenthood Investigations Find Horrifying, Criminal Practices – IOTW Report

Congress’ Planned Parenthood Investigations Find Horrifying, Criminal Practices


There have been two recent congressional investigations into the Planned Parenthood selling baby parts scandal.


Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Both were prompted by the Centre For Medical Progress (CMP) undercover investigation, which caught Planned Parenthood officials discussing how to illegally profit from selling baby parts. The first report in December was by the Senate Judiciary Committee and now House of Representatives Select Investigative Panel has published its report. Neither investigation relied on the CMP undercover videos to come to their conclusions.They carried out their own investigations — interviewing officials and employees under oath and using the power of subpoena to get their records.

What they found is horrifying and criminal. It’s disturbing that the results have been virtually ignored in the mainstream media. So to fill this gap, here are the top eight horrifying facts the mainstream media doesn’t want you know about aborted babies bodies being sold for profit.

1) It’s wrong to say the pro-abortion crowd don’t value the disabled.

Advanced Biosciences Resources (ABR) had a “technician” embedded at a Planned Parenthood clinic who reportedly harvested and sold the skin of a Down Syndrome baby for $325. Yes, that’s correct, in America today, you can buy the skin of an aborted Down Syndrome child for $325. The same baby’s leg was sold for $325.  MORE

19 Comments on Congress’ Planned Parenthood Investigations Find Horrifying, Criminal Practices

  1. Defund them.
    Demand repayments of all previous year’s Federal funding, back X years to the statutory limit.
    Seize their accounts. Close them down.
    Crush them so completely that no one will ever try this again.
    Criminal convictions, long sentences and bankrupting massive fines against all involved.
    Starting with their smug smirking CEO.

  2. Wait! You mean aborted fetuses have body parts? I thought they were nothing but a “clump of cells”. That’s what the “Pro-choice” crowd has been saying. They wouldn’t lie now, would they? /sarc off

  3. So, if the civil war the libards keep bleating for actually comes my first step will be a “raid on Lawrence Kansas” style attacks on P.P. and every dr’s home that works there.

  4. PP is playing a game to skirt the law. They sell the dead baby to Advanced Biosciences Resources or Stem Express for $55 thereby following the letter of the law to “not make a profit” from the baby, meanwhile ABR and SE sell the baby for a huge profit. Did congress investigate who is on the board of directors of these companies? Bet there is a connection to PP.

  5. Tie this in with the guy who tried to sell his baby so he could buy a car, because his wife agreed to a divorce if he bought her a car: {}

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