Pen and Phone – IOTW Report

Pen and Phone

15 Comments on Pen and Phone

  1. I was going to go with Hoosier Gal’s Faggot and Maggot… but I figured we try and get this one picked up by some respectable sites!

    (Faggot and Maggot goes in my personal collection… lol.)

  2. He will try and become the new generation’s version of Al Sharpton, causing trouble and racial hatred wherever he goes and saying stupid things that stupid people believe.

  3. well, i shoulda won ….. it ain’t fair that just cuz I din’t enter a entre that i can’t win nuthin …….. i call raysism! Hat donut likes me cuz i was Vipresinent, not cua i ain’t smart.
    i’se a winner, i tells ya ….. a winnnner!

    yeh – pen and sord – liek that’s so clever –

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