Think Tank Appears To Cut Ties With Oppo Researcher Behind Trump Dossier – IOTW Report

Think Tank Appears To Cut Ties With Oppo Researcher Behind Trump Dossier

DailyCaller: A national security think tank appears to have cut ties with the head of the opposition research firm that is behind the unsubstantiated Donald Trump dossier published last week.

Glenn Simpson, who heads Fusion GPS, was listed on the website for the International Assessment and Strategy Center (IASC) as recently as this weekend. He joined the Virginia-based think tank in 2009, at around the same time he quit as a reporter at The Wall Street Journal to start his own private intelligence firm.

Simpson was listed on the IASC website as a senior fellow for corruption and transnational crime and penned several essays during his time with the organization. It is unclear if Simpson has completely left the think tank or why his biography was removed. Emails and phone calls seeking comment from IASC were not returned.

The low-profile Simpson rocketed into international news last week when The Wall Street Journal reported that Fusion GPS was the firm that hired former British MI6 agent Christopher Steele to dig up dirt about Trump’s activities in Russia. The former spook, who runs a intelligence company of his own called Orbis Business Intelligence in London, produced 35 pages of memos based on information he gleaned from his former colleagues in Russia’s spy agencies.

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3 Comments on Think Tank Appears To Cut Ties With Oppo Researcher Behind Trump Dossier

  1. Ooopsy. Could it be that the Think Tank realizes that at the end of the day, it does you no good to wound the King, you’ve gotta kill him, or suffer the consequences?
    McShitstain is doing his best Steppin Fetchit impersonation trying to softshoe the fact that he sent someone to England to pick up the dossier.
    I love the smell of my enemies’ flop sweat in the morning!

  2. Has Simpson followed his British counterpart and gone underground? Re article he’s typical spook, works for whichever side pays biggest dividend.
    I was in a long term relationship years ago with a Secret Service agent who later went on to become FBI SA. My experience is they’re different animals at that level, can only imagine the deep dark soul required to fulfill a spook’s determination.

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