Obama too busy to bestow Medal of Honor to Vietnam war vet – IOTW Report

Obama too busy to bestow Medal of Honor to Vietnam war vet

Outgoing President Barack Obama appears not to have the time to bestow the military’s highest award for valor, the Medal of Honor, to former U.S. Army Spc. Jim McCloughan, 70, for his personal acts above and beyond the call of duty as a medic during the Vietnam War.

The warrior has been waiting for five decades to be recognized for saving 10 people in May 1969, despite having some grenade shrapnel and a bullet wound in his arm, during a gruesome battle of the Vietnam War that left scores of service members killed, wounded, or missing in action.

Although U.S. Army Secretary Eric Fanning signed off on warrior’s Medal of Honor certificate on December 27, McCloughan indicated the U.S. government had not told him about it, reports the Army Times.

“I’m anticipating that it will not be President Obama because of the lack of time that he has left in office. I just am waiting,” also said the Vietnam veteran, later adding, “It’s been nearly 48 years. I think I can wait a few more weeks.”

For a few weeks, the executive branch has been knee-deep in transition to the administration of President-elect Donald Trump, who will be inaugurated on Friday.

Yet, Obama made time last week to award his right-hand man, Vice President Joe Biden, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civil honor.

Obama has also found the time to execute 11th-hour transfers out of the U.S. military prison in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and terminate the U.S. immigration policy dubbed “Wet Foot, Dry Foot” that allowed Cubans who reach U.S. soil to stay and ultimately become citizens, among other last-minute actions.   MORE HERE

24 Comments on Obama too busy to bestow Medal of Honor to Vietnam war vet

  1. Ocorpseman’s last rebuke of America’s finest as he continues to set free our country’s enemies from Gitmo to kill more of our people. Only two and one-half days. God speed, Donald Trump.

  2. We’re celebrating with steaks, oysters, champagne, popcorn, chocolates … Actually we stocked up on a long list of celebratory food. If we eat it all, we’ll be sick as dogs — but happy!!

  3. Let’s not be too harsh on obongo….he did offer to do the ceremony between the 10th and 11th holes at his country club, but they blackballed his application to join and now it’s too late to reschedule.
    DJT will take care of this within the first 100 days, I’m sure.

  4. @Third, that would be me!
    I live in a very fireworks friendly neighbourhood.
    New Years, the Forth. They are nonstop for hours.
    The cop across the street and I are planning a YUGE Boom Shaka Laka Boom Shaka Laka Boom.

  5. I haven’t heard anything about the last-minute Pardons List from our Filthy Mohammedan Savage In Chief. Since the MSM is always covering up for our Filthy Mohammedan Savage In Chief, we won’t know about the List’s entire disgustingness until next week.

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