Trump is a racist against blacks? – IOTW Report

Trump is a racist against blacks?

This image was seen in Tokyo. TOKYO.

So the left has successfully branded Trump, internationally, as a KKK member.

What is the evidence of Trump’s racism against blacks?

ht/ illustr8r

20 Comments on Trump is a racist against blacks?

  1. It has nothing to do with reality. It’s a continuing effort by the very organized left to legitimize him anyway they can. Facts or the truth don’t matter. Did deep enough and you”ll find George Soros.

  2. The left used all of their vitriol during this election. They reached the last page of Alynski’s book and just realized they have nothing left in their arsenal of rhetoric.
    All that is left is physical violence. Get ready.

  3. Maybe the choo-choo train of thought (I won’t call it logic or reasoning) goes like this. DJT wants more jobs here in the US. Some of those being hired will get off welfare and food stamps. Some of those are blacks. So DJT wants to take welfare and food stamps away from blacks. Thasss RACISSSS!

  4. Meanwhile the clock keeps ticking. 38 hours until crybullies are sent to bed. Act up all you like. The adults are now in charge.

    You say you want a revolution?

    Bring it. We’re ready. Obama told us to arm and train

  5. Major Mal, the Japs stole the Chinese characters. My wife is Chinese and likes to point this out any time there’s a movie scene in Japan. She can read the characters just as if it was in China.

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