CNN Confuses Elijah Cummings and John Lewis (WITH BONUS iOTWreport GAME!) – IOTW Report

CNN Confuses Elijah Cummings and John Lewis (WITH BONUS iOTWreport GAME!)

I can’t even pig pile this, or feign indignation. The Daily Caller called out CNN and said, “CNN thinks blacks all look alike.”

Nope. Not going to condemn them for this particular faux pas. I challenge any of you to take this test I concocted–

44 Comments on CNN Confuses Elijah Cummings and John Lewis (WITH BONUS iOTWreport GAME!)

  1. See the guy with the cracked skull? That’s John Lewis.
    The bald guy is Cummings.
    They both have shit complexions so they are difficult to tell apart unless one has a trained eye.

  2. Oops, the third set should be EC. MILK DUD.

    I must confess, my extreme distaste for either of them. Unethical, two-faced congressional representatives suck.

    Someone should make a fake fire hydrant-like stand, with the ‘dog pissable faces of congress”, on it. I’d get one for my neighborhood dogs.

  3. Reminds me of Fred Sanford talking about aunt Esther, “you could use either of their faces to make gorilla cookies”.

    Can’t be racist, Redd Foxx was black. 😉

  4. That former black panther who has been making the rounds lately has it right: Lewis sold his Civil Rights Movement cred for 40 shekels (he monetized his notoriety a long time ago). Same as Jesse Shakedown Jackson and the other usual suspects, including the outgoing pResident who was conceived at the Selma bridge..or something.

  5. I got them all!

    Years ago I worked for a big bank, it was yuge! My office was on the 5th floor, the lobby was filled with beautiful marble and wood. I could come and go as I pleased 24/7/365, I just needed to sign in and out with security.

    I was there on a Saturday picking up some files I needed for a trip I was leaving for late Sunday. Just after signing out, I realized I forgot something. I told the guard I’d run back up and down in 5 minutes, he said okay.

    The guard desk usually had a few different black guys running it, I was always polite with them and never had a problem. They were guards, in my haste I really didn’t pay too much attention to the guy I spoke with.

    When I returned 5 minutes later, I said thanks and started to go on my way. The guard behind the desk starts yelling, hey you have to sign out. I said I already did, remember, I just ran up and down to grab something.

    He went into a tirade that not all blacks look alike! Apparently I mistook one milk dud for the other. WTF? I’m sorry you guys are like someone running a coat check to me, but I have to go! I wasn’t being racist, maybe a little rude but I didn’t deserve that smack down.

    Then the other guy arrived, he looked damn near identical to the other guy, only he was wearing glasses! Sorry man, but you need to chill! I mentioned the incident to the building manager when I returned later the next week. The guard was still working there but he turned into the nicest guy around after that.

  6. The one on the right second from the bottom is john lewis…I MEAN elijah cummings.
    Actually it’s easy to tell the two apart. john lewis is the one who should be going to prison for tax evasion and making sweet-heart real estate deals. elijah cummings should be going to prison for his part in the IRS targeting scandal and for his part in the cover-up of same.

  7. Mr. Hat’s jerkin the chain – they’re ALL pictures of Milk Duds – or MLK DUDs, as Boobie relates. Deer scat, rabbit pellets, bowling balls, turds after a wine bender, ACORNs … what difference, after all this time, does it make?

    And, all seriousness aside, is there a dime’s worth of difference between Elijah Cummings and John Lewis? Do you think even their wives could tell em apart?
    Seen one swarthy socialist maggot, seen em all.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. old oaks – Maybe I can top that. I was working on a computer upgrade at Jackson State University some years ago, over the Easter weekend, and had to do some work on Saturday. The manager said nobody would be there, but just come by and he’d let Security know I was going to be there. Well, I drive up and park outside the door I need to go in, and I don’t see a soul. Thinking I’m early or Security is late, I just chill a moment when I hear from across the way someone is yelling my name. I turn around to see a Security guy running towards me with a big smile on his face. He gets close and says, he could tell who I was from all that way because “you’re the only white guy on campus”. We had a good laugh.

  9. Please leave the poor innocent milk dud out of this. You would think after 4 ass beating during the 60’s that Lewis would know better? That ignorant bastard learned nothing from MLK.. what a loser!

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