James Woods Has a Warning For the Hell’s Angels – IOTW Report

James Woods Has a Warning For the Hell’s Angels

19 Comments on James Woods Has a Warning For the Hell’s Angels

  1. I have an uneasy feeling about the hardcore anarchists who are among the protestor ranks; they need the violence optic to advance their cause. I pray God’s safety net around those who will confront the evil. Having said that, let the skull cracking commence if necessary.

  2. Most of these goofs are there to get extra credit in their Critical Community Activist Theory class. They’ll run to the safety of the basement after a couple of selfies for proof to the prof.

  3. James Woods is a real genius and how wonderful to see him use brain so well. Thank you.

    I hope Waters or someone interviews the protesters, to ask what they are protesting or if they even know where they are, since many are being bused in to D.C.

  4. There is a legitimate danger in dealing with these libs.

    The bikers might catch some disease from them.

    The lib-stank alone is a high price.

    I hear tomato juice won’t wash it off.

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