Cue the JAWS Music – IOTW Report

Cue the JAWS Music

Jason Chaffetz shook Hillary’s hand at the inauguration, but had a message for her.—–>

So pleased she is not the President. I thanked her for her service and wished her luck. The investigation continues.

A photo posted by Jason Chaffetz (@jasoninthehouse) on

11 Comments on Cue the JAWS Music

  1. LOL!

    Since the Left is living in an alternate reality now- imagine what the reaction would be if the Left’s male candidate defeated the Right’s female candidate. That would perfectly fine and no protests-in fact their guy might be heralded as the first female president. Who knows.

    They are all hypocrites and sourpusses. Their knitted caps should be the color of wine gone bad-whatever that is.

  2. Why would he thank her for her service? She’s not done anything to benefit this country. Unless Benghazi was a good thing, Unless selling uranium to the Russians was a good thing.

  3. HRC carefully avoided today’s “Women’s March For The Right To Silly Pink Headwear” in DC today.

    That had to be painful.

    This is the very last gathering, ever, of her ragtag coalition of followers.
    It’s a larger gathering than she could ever have assembled through her own appeals.
    And it was brought together indirectly by Trump.

    Now she has to watch Trump advance from one success to the next. All the time shredding and deleting and dodging demands for refunds of $ multi-millions from assorted brutal and murderous ex-“clients” of her CGI.

    And all the time hoping Trump won’t indict and prosecute.


  4. Remember too, that “CGI” stands for “Computer Generated Imagery”, which speaks volumes for the other CGI and its supposed lawful operations.

    Coincidence? I don’t believe in coincidence!

  5. Hillary acted like an alternate Prom Queen instead of the wife of a former President. She’s having trouble coming off her roll, but her troubles are just beginning. She should say “hi” to Martha next time she passes by her domicile because Killary may be headed to the Big house.

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