Patriot Portraits – IOTW Report

Patriot Portraits

I haven’t been updating lately, but that’s not because I haven’t been doing the paintings, it’s just that I was burning the midnight oil all during the lead-up to the Trump election.

This portrait is particularly poignant.

The dog is Ernie. He logged many, many miles with his truck driving pal. Ernie passed away, and I was honored to be chosen to memorialize Ernie.

I did this portrait last month, and sadly, the owner of Ernie has also, very unexpectedly, passed away. This becomes a double memorialization, something that I did not anticipate, but I hope eases the pain, somewhat, of the original patron, his wife.

24 Comments on Patriot Portraits

  1. Of course dogs go to heaven. Not sure about cats though. Just finished a book re Near Death Experiences. A little girl died, went to heaven, saw so many relatives, and her puppy, then was taken back to earth. I wanna go to the same heaven as her.
    Our dogs were no different than our kids. Loved em all the same.

  2. @judgeroybean — Absolutely loved my (in this order) Penny, Benson, King, Angel and Sophie. I know they’re all in Heaven.

    But I also loved (in this order) Coco, Charlie, Sapphire, Sam and Teddy.

    Believe me, they’re all in Heaven as well.

  3. Oh, Fur. This is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with us. Our life here is not so much about the accumulating, but with the people and critters we share it with.

    God bless Ernie and his human. Mrs. Human, God bless you as well.

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