Now that they’ve Brexited, Britain is Interested in Getting Cozy With Trump – IOTW Report

Now that they’ve Brexited, Britain is Interested in Getting Cozy With Trump

Obama threatened Britain saying they would be getting short shrift if they passed Brexit.


Britain wants to get Mr Trump on side to secure a post-Brexit free trade deal with the US and to shape his thinking on Nato, Syria and other foreign affairs issues.

The source said: “Boris and his team wanted to get inside the mind of Donald Trump and get into what they described as ‘Trump think’ which is why they were asking for suggestions for the state visit.

“It is also a sign of the importance with which they now regard striking a strong relationship with the new President who insists he can sign a trade deal with the UK within 90 days.”

Mr Johnson and his deputy were told to think about the biggest honour they could bestow on the President and then “go beyond it”.

The source said: “He doesn’t want to do what Obama did during his state visit to the UK, he wants to go one better.”

During Mr Obama’s last visit to the UK in April he had lunch with the Queen and Prince Philip at Windsor before making a controversial intervention in the EU referendum campaign, saying Britain would be at “the back of the queue” for a trade deal in the event of Brexit.

By contrast, Mr Trump has made clear that he is keen to secure a deal with Britain. He has also spoken affectionately about the Queen, saying in an interview last week that his Scottish-born mother was a big fan.


Trump says he wants to play some golf with the Queen. I’m not sure what her handicap is, besides being 90 years-old. How many strokes he gives her depends on how many strokes she’s had.

THE new US President wants to play golf with the Queen at Balmoral during his first state visit this summer.

13 Comments on Now that they’ve Brexited, Britain is Interested in Getting Cozy With Trump

  1. Trump people started trade negotiations with Britain as soon as he won the election. This is no secret, it’s all over the Internet and reports are we are ready to enter into a partner ship with them.
    Mark Levin apparently does not know this.

  2. This whole free trade thing has me uneasy.

    How can US be #1 when we allow the Brits to steal American Jobs.

    The best I can settle for is balanced trade, w/ imbalance to be tariffed at 10%.

  3. Haha Carona, good point! Personally, I can’t wait to see the NEW shape of America as we RE align ourselves with parts of the world the previous administration has shunned, ignored, or completely insulted in the past fateful 8 years! I have always been told to find the people I most emulate and spend time with them to become like them. What does that say about barack hussein obama and HIS cronies?!?

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