Hillary’s Inauguration Crowd Size – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Inauguration Crowd Size

NM suggested an update to the graphic that depicted Hillary’s inauguration crowd size, comparing it side by side with Trump’s.

Good idea,

6 Comments on Hillary’s Inauguration Crowd Size

  1. I LIKE it! Now, how about a side by side AFTER pic of Trump vs Obummer. The way libs always leave anywhere they’ve been super trashed is always eye opening. For that matter, does anybody have an after pic of the women’s march? Wait……I may not want to see that….

  2. We could be sitting here, listening to the FNM telling us how Madame President’s refusal to get out and walk in her inaugural parade was a bold and iconclastic break with the stifling patriarchy. Ugh…gives me the shivers. Thank God.

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