Dirtbags Block Sidewalk and When Smacked Around They Say It Was “Unprovoked” – IOTW Report

Dirtbags Block Sidewalk and When Smacked Around They Say It Was “Unprovoked”

They also have women in the blockade. When a big dude smacks the woman in the face they start hiding behind her skirt.

The woman spits on him and he gets in another shot.

Hey, either you’re a warrior or your June Cleaver. Pick one.


ht/ bad brad

34 Comments on Dirtbags Block Sidewalk and When Smacked Around They Say It Was “Unprovoked”

  1. Oh the irony, a bunch of fascist anarchists demanding that the police (the establishment) arrest someone. I thought they didn’t believe in any formal state powers, systems, organization or agency.

  2. He punched a woman? All I saw was he punches some assholes trying to impose THEIR will on him! FUCK GENDER if you want to play with the boys don’t complain if you get your ass stomped!

  3. Who the hell actually uses the word ‘comrade’ in that way? It’s like the angry little shit was living some kind of self indulgent fantasy, as if he was part of a poorly written made for TV movie. LMAO, the cops saved his scrawny ass from a beatdown 🙂

  4. woman- you want to walk -talk and act like a man then you will be beat like a man, so stop crying. I need to get my bat man costume out of the closet and start kicking some anarchic azz….

  5. Did anyone else see the bride and groom go walking by a little after the 6:10 mark? I felt like I was watching a Monty Python movie! That “woman” impeded pedestrians and deserved to be punched–at least her mask came off.

  6. Travel in pairs with a plan. One with a camera and one ripping down mask. Click. Send pic to authorities. Chances are they’re already on file for previous crimes.

    I know it’s illegal to mask in Virginia. Not sure about D.C.

  7. As many here have stated these people are throwing vocabulary bombs they have no understanding of, but what brought the tears to my eyes, was watching the reenactment of Lord of the Flies when Piggy was murdered, the only person left with social graces. If these phukers are so righteous why are they hiding their identities? BTW, love the guy they blocked calling them out for the bi-atches they are.

  8. damn. glad i saw it before it went away. it gave me hope, and ideas for the future:

    1. Call them out for what they are: pussies.
    2. Make your way through; it is your right.
    3. Take no shit and strike quickly.
    4. Be loud and large, louder and larger than they are.
    5. Take no shit.
    6. When assaulted, strike back again decisively and to the head.
    7. Make no differentiation as to gender when striking back. After all it’s what they’re fighting for.
    8. Take no shit.
    9. Laugh loudly when they back away from you being loud and large.
    10. Take no shit.
    11. Don’t depend on the cops to make things right.
    12. Take no shit.

  9. LOL. These anarchists can’t wait to run to the cops when they need help. Dumb shits don’t realize the cops are keeping the rest of us from euthanizing their dumb leftist asses.

  10. Buncha pussys, wish the cops would do as the maroons ask, leave, then come back to pick up the pieces.
    I always point and laugh, drives the fools nuttier than a Payday.

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