Rabid David Brock Group Hellbent On Getting Trump Impeached Admits The Press Is Their Ally – IOTW Report

Rabid David Brock Group Hellbent On Getting Trump Impeached Admits The Press Is Their Ally

The Washington Free Beacon has intercepted an internal memo sent by David Brock to his goons. It is a disturbing screed which states that every waking second of this group will be dedicated to taking Trump down and removing him from office. Impeachment is their goal.

In the memo thereĀ is a remarkable admission –

We must “free ourselves from SOLELY relying on the press” to obtain the ratf**king outcomes they seek.

That’s been the media’s role, attack dog for the left. But that’s not good enough any longer. Now they have to do some heavy lifting themselves.

See the rest HERE

ht/ fdr in hell

11 Comments on Rabid David Brock Group Hellbent On Getting Trump Impeached Admits The Press Is Their Ally

  1. i would ask the irs to do a THOROUGH audit of this group and all the other progressive/communist groups in the country…think colonoscopy. at the same time i would ask the doj to look into the clinton foundation, and any other progressive/communist groups i could think of. i know it’s disgusting and scummy to weaponize these most intimidating arms of the government; but this is war. they must be rendered impotent for the foreseeable future

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