SNL Writer Suspended Indefinitely – IOTW Report

SNL Writer Suspended Indefinitely

The idiot tweeted that Barron Trump will be the country’s first home schooled shooter.

Not one joke about SoMalia or Mustacha in 8 years.

40 Comments on SNL Writer Suspended Indefinitely

  1. Incredible. That bunch isn’t know for having any standards, yet they gave this dim bulb the ax? Good for them. Forgot details but another high profile dip shit went after the kid today as well. Oh, one more thing: Thanks for spelling corrections. All these years I thought they were Sashay and Malaria. My bad.

  2. Pretty sure that the bitch will be back in a few months after the heat has died down. SNL spent 8 years never mentioning Obama except the odd time the paid homage to him in some suck up skit. I suspect that they’ve spent more time trying to damage Trump in the last 6 months then they spent on the entire Obama administration. The show is old, spent and no longer the watercooler topic it was 30 years ago. NBC keeps it around to drive it’s political agenda and because it’s cheap to produce. Trump could just be the one to finally put this show out of our misery.

  3. The political re-socialization of these leftist idiots is finally beginning. Hoo da thunk that The Donald would be a major driving force in establishing a more civil discourse. Perhaps Ms. Rich can get a job writing for the new (straight to DVD) racy motion picture, Malia Does Milwaukee.

  4. I voiced my displeasure to NBC. Glad to see it was somewhat helpful. I threatened them with Rosie O’Donnell full-on nudes if they did not meet my demands to fire her.

  5. “Indefinitely suspended” is not the same thing as “terminated”. NBC is playing word games until the furor dies down, then she will be back at work. Is she suspended with pay? That’s a vacation.

  6. I often read comments that SNL was only really funny in the first few years.

    I think just as we filter out a lot of bad things from our childhood and tend to remember the good experiences people are embellishing those early seasons.

    If you’ve ever watched uncut versions of most of those shows there were long stretches of awful and brutally unfunny sketches and features.
    (Remember the gawdawful muppet sketches on the show?)

    I believe the most consistently entertaining seasons of that show were from the Phil Hartman Dana Carvey Mike Meyers Chris Farley era.

  7. I want to coin a phrase for SoreAss and the likes of this moron.
    I want everyone to call them Hate Baiters.

    Please use it all over to call out the haters who hate everything.

  8. The beak-nosed hag attacks a little ten-year-old. Worthless bitch. She’ll probably have to suck a couple hundred cocks to get her job back, just like she had to do to get hired the first time.

  9. @Jerry: “I threatened them with Rosie O’Donnell full-on nudes if they did not meet my demands to fire her.”

    I’m not sure that the ticket when you’re dealing with convincing libtards. They gleefully masterbate to such things. Better to have threatened them with naked ‘W’ pictures. That’ll get ’em.

  10. @Birdie Num Num — SNL was best when you were 17 years old, someone shared a doobie, and Midnight Special was on immediately afterwards. Those were the days of Belushi, Akroyd, Morris, Curtain, Radner, Chase, Newman and later there was Bill Murray, Steve Martin, Eddie Murphy, etc. I stopped watching it a long time ago because the writing got so political and the skits weren’t consistently funny and the music acts are no longer my style. SNL was definitely counter-culture in its start-up days but now its an echo chamber of dumb cliches. The early days, especially the first season, was rough — a sort of off-Broadway improv with hit or miss skits, jokes, entertainers and hosts. But that seems like a much better alternative to today’s slick, high-budget, corporate production.

  11. My money’s on Trump. Just so you know. Name a POTUS that has accomplished as much as him on the first day. That swamp water drinking Goat screwing, nose picking, ass smelling, Faggot loving, brain dead, slow to the party cause he’s fucking stupid, Mike Lee, is now suddenly a Trumpster. Wada Dick.

  12. Let me rephrase that –

    What does Trump going on SNL have to do with the public not liking that a writer went after his 10 year-old kid?

    Maybe NBC should have issued a release that said, “hey, Trump went on SNL, so what do you want us to do about an attack tweet directed at his son?”

    Obama went on O’Reilly, so O’Reilly had carte blanche to attack his daughters?

  13. Vietvet,
    WTF? That was probably slightly before they went after a 12 year old. The left always says “golly, the kids are off limits”‘ until it’s a conservatives kids. I’m not getting how you think this is fair or equitable. Especially after reading countless bad ass posts from you. Somebody grab your pussy or what?

  14. @BFH:

    Let me clarify that –

    It has nothing to do with the writer’s comment about Trump’s kid.

    It has everything to do about Trump’s tweet that “NBC News is bad but Saturday Night Live is the worst of NBC. Not funny, cast is terrible, always a complete hit job. Really bad television!”

    If the show was so terrible, why did he appear on it in the first place? Did it suddenly become bad because of the recent comments? if they apologize and praise him, will they suddenly become acceptable again?

    Is Trump only looking for sycophants here?

    Sorry for the confusion.

  15. Vietvet,
    Appearing on SNL when Trump did served a purpose, for him. Loren Michaels (probably miss spelled) along with most of the Hollywood, New York crowd viewed Trump as a novelty. No chance to win. Now that he has their gloves are off. Your not taking account for how these people wrote him off as a joke. Going after any Presidents kid is not cool. I was vocal about it when some here went after Obamas oldest girl. As I remember caught some shit for it. What SNL and their cast is doing is not right. I hope everyone boycotts their dumb assessment.

  16. Vietvet,
    Just to be clear, you’re one of the sharpest commenters here. Love your shit Duuuude. I just think you got this one wrong.

    I was wrong once. I momentarily thought I was wrong, but I was actually right. So I was wrong.

  17. @Bad_Brad: I never said that going after the kid was cool – actually, I think it’s despicable. All I am saying is that you shouldn’t appear to change your opinion of people based on what they say about you from one day to the next. “Hey, they put me on the show – what wonderful people they are.” Then, “They made fun of me or my family, so they’re scum of the earth.” Followed by, “Oops – they took it back, so now they’re marvelous again.”

    How would you judge the character of someone like that?

    Be honest, now.

  18. @Bad_Brad: For what it’s worth, I feel the same way about you and your comments. One of the things I like about this blog is that you don’t have to march in lockstep agreement with everybody else. If I wanted that I could go to a Liberal site, where you can get thrown off by not following the Party line.

    Anyway, I prefer to think that we are never wrong – just misunderstood.


  19. I didn’t hear “they’re marvelous again”. That would be disappointing. Here’s a little secret, there’s a few things that Trump does that drive me nuts. He blew a kiss to Comey yesterday. WTF. I’m writing it off to “hey, he’s from New York”. He sure had a big day today. I’m stricken with him. 150%

  20. @Bad_Brad: I guess I pretty much feel the same way about him, and maybe that’s why the few flaws are so irritating – we want him to be perfect. However, he is what he is, and I have to keep reminding myself of that.

    P.S. – Here’s a quote from Trump to his biographer that I ran across the other day: “When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different.”

    When you think about it, that could explain a lot.


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