Chelsea Clinton Pretends To Defend Barron Trump, Shivs His Dad – IOTW Report

Chelsea Clinton Pretends To Defend Barron Trump, Shivs His Dad


From 2009-2016, insulting or mocking the president’s kids was a career-ending offense. But now it’s back in a big way! Our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters on the left are lining up to pick on 10-year-old Barron Trump, because it makes them feel better about losing an election to his dad. Never mind that Barron’s just a kid. Never mind that he didn’t choose any of this. It’s OK to go after him, because he’s a child of wealth and privilege who’s not named Sasha or Malia.

You’d think Chelsea Clinton would know what Barron is going through and stand up for him. When she was not much older than Barron is, Rush Limbaugh made fun of her. It was wrong, because she was just a little girl. She was just living in the same house as her mom and dad.

And at first glance, it looks like she’s defending Barron now that it’s happening to him. But only if you don’t take a second glance.
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36 Comments on Chelsea Clinton Pretends To Defend Barron Trump, Shivs His Dad

  1. This happens because the left finds it easier to attack a ten year old kid who can’t defend himself than it is to attack a full grown man who WILL aggressively defend himself. It just proves what cowards and bullies that they are.

  2. Policies that hurt kids – like making sure their parents are well employed, providing school choice and affordable healthcare, making sure illegal criminals aren’t here to harm them and their families. Trump – what a monster.

  3. As much money as the Clinton’s have, you would think they could have afforded plastic surgery and not condemned their daughter to a life of looking in the mirror and trying to improve upon it.

  4. They’re like rapid dogs biting themselves and anyone who gets close. Chelsea does not do herself any favors by snarling at Trump. Once Sessions is in office let’s see how she reacts when her mother is handcuffed and frog marched out of the Clinton Foundation HQ.

  5. Shame on Chells. Ivanka is a friend of hers. Well, we know why. Beautiful women usually have a homely buddy they take pity on. Chells better show more gratitude and leave Barron alone.

  6. Look, don’t quote me on this, but this poor broad gets uglier everyday. It’s time for some plastic surgery (or sandblasting as some of you would prefer). It might help.

  7. Barron Trump is a 10 yo child. The left howls if a GOP member breathes a word about a Lib Child. The picture of Chelsea makes her look older than her mother. I’d love to see them both in person without a photoshop job and a pound of silly putty.

  8. Chelsea needs to remember she’s an officer of the Clinton Foundation (whether it’s being wound up or not) and it’s still under State investigation and likely shortly under Federal investigation. From now on the less she talks the better. Maybe she ought to spend her time thinking about where the foundation money went or at least come up with some believable lies and forged receipts or start reading books written about life in a woman’s prison.

  9. At least they can’t say he’s ugly. He’s a cute kid – and when you see pics of his older siblings horsing around with him, he’s also bright and has sense of humor.

    Because he is tall and stoic in public, libs probably get the impression that he is older and expect something different from him. I had the same problem when my son was growing up – he was tall for his age and some adults expected him to act like he was 20 when he was 10.

  10. I think some people did an analysis and showed that Chelsea Hubbel-Clinton DID have plastic surgery. If you analyze pics there is a point where she suddenly loses some of the hubbel-ness but of course you can only do so much.

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