I am so sick of know-nothing anti-Trump conservative whiners – IOTW Report

I am so sick of know-nothing anti-Trump conservative whiners

Peruse some anti-Trump conservative sites and you’ll see cheeseteeth morons whining about Trump signing executive orders. They are ringing their hands that Trump signed and Executive Order reviving the stalled Keystone Pipeline project.

“We didn’t like it when Obama did it! We must remain consistent.”


Just stfu already!

That is all.

25 Comments on I am so sick of know-nothing anti-Trump conservative whiners

  1. Conservative anti-Trumpers?

    I have a much better acronym for them – Republicans Against Trump – RATs

    fucking filthy verminous RATs

  2. Kafir, they were nevertrump for whatever reason Hillary was spouting at any given moment, and they were willing to synchronize with any smear job she cooked up. They still are, but they’re doing it for Schumer now.

  3. So called “anti-Trumpers” fit a number of categories from economic globalists to think tank, ivory tower intellectuals who live behind gated compounds. I don’t read what they say, I don’t care what they say. I hate giving them light and air.

  4. The #nevertrump are as bad or worse as the leftist (predictable) media. Every minute of every day they look to pounce and scream ‘I told you so’, or ‘see he isn’t doing what he said, you got duped’. Another case in point DACA isn’t gone day 1. There is no consideration he may actually have a larger plan on how to unravel 8 years of liberal destruction. And exactly which other candidate was going to win let alone be running the media breathlessly around in a stupor while adding jobs and fast tracking undoing the last 8 years?! Jeb!, the low energy, common core, amnesty lover? Day 2 maybe he’d have his guacamole bowl collection set-up.

  5. On 60 Minutes several weeks ago, Trump was asked about a couple of issues like abortion and gay marriage. His response was that what he thought didn’t matter; the Supreme Court had spoken and he would follow the law. This is not just the correct answer – it is the only answer.

    That’s something we haven’t had for 8 years. Obama bragged that he didn’t need Congress because he had a phone and pen, and rather than argue about whether or not Obama’s Executive Orders were Constitutional or not, Trump has the right to rescind them by his own Executive Order. All indications are that Trump will follow the Constitutional process and abide by the rule of law, and this should include rescinding Obama’s questionable Executive Orders.

    I agree that the United States should not be governed by Executive Order, but this is what Obama did for at least the 6 years the Republicans controlled the House, and later the House and Senate. If Trump chooses to use the Executive Order process to undo Obama’s Executive Order actions, many of which are contrary to duly enacted laws, I have no problem with this.

  6. Here’s consistency. Use an executive order to roll back any executive order used by Obama, especially those that flew in the face of the obvious will of the American people. (ie. all of them)

    Once we’re back to Square One, we can be principled again

  7. Trump has done very good so far; he hasn’t violated the Constitution, yet, and he probably won’t (thank God).

    BUT, we’ve just gotten rid of an Imperial President whose Word (by Pen or Phone) is Law; let’s never have another one, not even a great man like Donald Trump, George Washington, Abe Lincoln, or Ronald Reagan. If for no other reason than the monsters the Dems will field 4 and 8 years from now.

  8. Most of these are people who feel they are perceived as even-handed, thoughtful and thus smart by being anti-Trump without realizing how thoughtless and clueless they really are by demonstrating they have no idea how much damage that Marxist, Muzlim Asshole has done to this country that has to be fixed. Trump is the only one who had the guts to step up to the plate and tell it like it is and the experience and common sense on how to fix it without being obligated to play Patty-Cake with disingenuous Rats & RINOs!

  9. These people are morons. But, I have talked to a few people about adding something to our daily greetings that will help the never Trumpers heads explode and melt some snowflakes. We have decided MAGA, pronounced maw-gaw, needs to follow greetings such as have a good day.

    It would be, have a good day, MAGA.

    If you don’t get it, MAGA is Make America Great Again. I can’t wait for the first pussy hat wearing demmie to ask me what it means!

  10. These are the kind of assholes who if they ran armies would give out orders for more of our side to die in order to make it “fair”. These stupid, spineless GOP ass wipes simple do not understand that we are already in a civil war. And Trump fixing the mess that muslim scumbag made is party of what we do to win.

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