Senator Chris McDaniel’s Remarks Have Feminists Going Berserk – IOTW Report

Senator Chris McDaniel’s Remarks Have Feminists Going Berserk


So a group of unhappy liberal women marched in Washington DC. We shouldn’t be surprised; almost all liberal women are unhappy. Perhaps there’s a correlation.

Nevertheless, I’m fascinated to see them exercise their First Amendment rights (however objectionable the message).

But I do have a question: if they can afford all those piercings, tattoos, body paintings, signs, and plane tickets, then why do they want us to pay for their birth control?

The so-called “unity principles” which are the foundation of the women’s march on DC are little more than a manifesto of radical liberalism. Printed clearly on the organizers’ website, the principles call for taxpayer funded abortions and free birth control “regardless of income.”

Nonsense. It’s not the place of American taxpayer to pay for birth control and free abortions. And no, the taxpayers shouldn’t be paying for Viagra either.

No amount of liberal hell raising will change my opinion.

Indeed, as I awake this morning, I have never been more committed to the absolute defunding of Planned Parenthood and the immediate wholesale repeal of Obamacare.

‘ll give you radicals some credit; you have a large number of angry instigators ready for social media action. You’ve really swarmed this page. Thankfully, 95% of you live outside of MS.

From my perspecitve, I understand your position. You love free stuff. I get it. Unfortunately, in your quest for freebies, your so-called “revolution of love” has become little more than intolerant hatred for anyone who disagrees. And that’s okay. You have that right.

The tragic irony of the #WomensMarch is that most were marching for the “right” to violently end the lives of their unborn, including the lives of little girls.

Making matters worse, you want us to pay for it even though we find the act of abortion to be morally repugnant. And then, because you love free stuff, you believe we should also pay for your birth control. Is there anything else we can help you with? A free cell phone, perhaps?

So no, I don’t think we will ever agree. And that’s okay, too. I don’t want your vote.

So bring it.

Yell, curse, scream, threaten, and ridicule all you wish. I don’t care.

It’s cute.

But I’m not going anywhere. The more you push, the more I will resist. Even if I have to stand alone.

Oh, one more thing: we are going to defund Planned Parenthood and repeal Obamacare.

Have a good night.

ht/ petrus

29 Comments on Senator Chris McDaniel’s Remarks Have Feminists Going Berserk

  1. It’s almost as if someone said: “Hey Trump is President. Let’s protest. Cause we don’t like it. And o yeah we’re women and we need to remind everybody that we’re special too.”

    What a crock of crap – everyone does matter and all lives matter no more , no less. Let’s work together to MAGA and not continue the weak hyphenated bs of Obama’s America.

    I once had an 85 year old progressive woman tell me “The anger runs deep in you.”

    I answered her back and told her the problem with progressives was that they think conservative passion is anger.

    Progressives think the way to solve problems is to march and demonstrate when doing something constructive with hearts and minds is the conservative way.

    None of these demonstrations ever present solutions – only laundry lists of complaints.

    Let’s move on America.

  2. “But I do have a question: if they can afford all those piercings, tattoos, body paintings, signs, and plane tickets, then why do they want us to pay for their birth control?”

    Because guys get free razors!!

    Wait what?

  3. “…s there anything else we can help you with? A free cell phone, perhaps?”

    That reminds me – The Obamaphone program needs to be killed ASAP.
    Every time I see their kiosk giving away my money in the form of a phone just ticks me off.

    Taking money from the people who earned it to buy a cell phone for someone who did not is immoral and an abuse of power King George would have envied. Just as wrong as this bunch demanding we pay for their abortions or birth control because they lack self control.

  4. I was thinking about this yesterday, because what else is there to think about except politics?
    You know the old ‘don’t think about a purple elephant’, and all you can visualize now is exactly that? Well, every time people spout off against ‘dominant white males’ they just perpetuate that white males are different from, and superior to, anyone else. I don’t believe that, but they sure appear to have convinced themselves of it.

  5. Gee, if abortions become difficult to obtain, they’re going to have to use another forms of birth control. They claim they do not have 3 dollars a month to buy birth control pills from Wal Mart? Too effin lazy to get their dumb fat asses over to PP for free condoms? They can go to hell.

  6. “Oh, one more thing: we are going to defund Planned Parenthood and repeal Obamacare.”

    Please God make it so!

    Compare and contrast to the Teachers Unions always demanding more money: But but but what about the CHILDREN??? Yeah, precisely.

    Awesome post BFH.

  7. Why do conservatives find the spectacle of millions of women worldwide protesting Trump’s inauguration so disturbing! It’s almost as though they quietly accepted Donald’s Trump’s “unpresidented” (his word) and blatant misogyny. Did you truly believe that women would accept that sort of behavior from their leader? Let me ask you a few questions: Do you enjoy being demeaned? Do you like being treated like a sex object, or being made to feel that you’re useless if you’re not physically attractive? Would you like to feel that you were not in control of your reproductive rights and forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term? How do you suppose women feel now that President Trump has cut violence-against-women programs?

    If you can’t imagine these things, perhaps you’re lacking empathy as our president certainly is.

    Get used to the marches and protests. There will be more, I can assure you.

  8. @Melanie
    When I was younger I was treated as a sex object by older women where I worked. I was flattered.
    Did you vote for Clinton (either one)? Then STFU and do a little research on their history before you bash Trump.
    Not physically attractive? Sucks to be you. Find something else to impress people with – focus on your brain and stop proving to us you are stupid and foolish also.
    Your only reproductive “right” is to keep your legs together. If you choose otherwise the result is a living being.
    You are living right now because your mother chose NOT TO have an abortion at ANY TIME during her pregnancy, which should prove to you that live begins at conception. If not, you are stupider that I first thought.

  9. These nasty ass women have mouths just spewing filth, just like the trash they left in their wake after this hilarious temper tantrum silly march of theirs. Now Melanie, you crave respect, well that has to be earned. Go back to DC and start cleaning up behind the pigs that left it lay and perhaps a “nasty woman” can earn a little of what you earnestly need so badly.

  10. @Melanie. Try as I may, I do no believe your “protest” was a miraculous, spontaneous display of angst against our New President. I do, however, believe your activities bear the strong stench of a long planned
    photo op to celebrate the election of the first woman president. Except she lost. The emails went out
    and the targets were replaced on the most likely target, the guy who robbed the long suffering Hillary.
    After all, Papa Soros just hates it when he doesn’t get what he pays for. Melanie, woman-to-woman, educate yourself on the disrespect President Bill Clinton showed our fellow females. And then learn how Hillary treated the women Bill abused. You can do nothing to further your cause for yourself or any other woman by embarrassing yourself with your naivety and ignorance.

  11. @Melanie M Austin January 25, 2017 at 7:33 pm

    > Why do conservatives find the spectacle of millions of women worldwide protesting Trump’s inauguration so disturbing!

    Because they’re cucks.

  12. Anonymous- who are?

    Melanie- Yeah, the women in the march are very disturbing. Kill babies at whatever age, whenever they feel like it. They don’t want to be thought of as sex objects but walk around in vagina outfits. And most of them didn’t know why they were marching. Have you listened to them? LOL.
    Spare us all, please. If you had any sense, you wouldn’t surround yourself with freaks like those. They’re an embarrassment to women’s issues.

  13. Hilarious that a muslim who promotes sharia law,terrorism, FGM, killing of gays, etc., (look that up, shug) would be one of the sponsors for this bullshit. Honestly. Do those women even think?

  14. truffles got it right….all these wymmins had non-refundable plane tickets, and no inauguration to celebrate, so they ad-libbed a cute little tampon tantrum….

    sucks to be them…..

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