Senior US diplomats Resign From State Department Because of Trump – Alrighty Then – IOTW Report

Senior US diplomats Resign From State Department Because of Trump – Alrighty Then

Times of Israel-

WASHINGTON (AP) — A handful of senior US diplomats are resigning their posts during President Donald Trump’s first week on the job, creating more high-level openings that the new president must fill.

State Department Undersecretary for Management Patrick Kennedy, a career foreign service officer, planned to retire effective Friday, the State Department said. He was joined by two assistant secretaries, Joyce Barr and Michele Bond, who both resigned Wednesday. Gentry Smith, who directs the Office of Foreign Missions, was also departing.

The four join a growing list of long-serving diplomats declining to stay on into the Trump administration. That list includes Victoria Nuland, the assistant secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, and Gregory Starr, the assistant secretary for diplomatic security. Starr retired on Inauguration Day.

Although none of the officials has linked his or her departure explicitly to Trump, many diplomats have privately expressed concern about serving in his administration, given the unorthodox positions he’s taken on many foreign policy issues.

Trump has yet to fill many top diplomatic jobs, including the deputy secretary roles. His nominee to be secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, is expected to be confirmed by the Senate next week.


I’m sure these diplomats think this statement is supposed to make people regret that Trump was elected. This makes me even happier. This is beautiful news.

ht/ the big owe

Here’s some of Victoria Nuland’s Greatest Hits-

39 Comments on Senior US diplomats Resign From State Department Because of Trump – Alrighty Then

  1. The State Dept is full of anti-American big government open borders communists. The place needs a serious overhaul, disinfection, and major, major downsizing. The more that resign, the better for the nation.

  2. Somebody tell Lindsey Graham that this is what “America First” means – throwing out the seditious, anti-American traitors that have infested the state department for so long.

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