Catty Chrissy Hayes – IOTW Report

Catty Chrissy Hayes

This is all they have folks.

Trump could be the dumbest man in the world, A Chauncey Gardner, for all I care.

The “idiot” is dismantling and decimating the democrat advances over the last decade.

ht/ illustr8r

12 Comments on Catty Chrissy Hayes

  1. Apparently the shelves are bare because this book….Women I have abused (Volumes 1 – 416) by WJ and HR Clinton….has been checked out and not returned. It’s overdue about 13 years or so now. When it comes back, all those empty shelves you see in the picture will be packed.

  2. So, if I got this correct, Trump who seems to own about half this countries commercial realestate, and has a net worth in the billions, was just elected president of the US, is stupid according to this pissant. That about right?

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