Shocker – Artist, Christo, Has “Lost Pleasure” Since Trump’s Election – IOTW Report

Shocker – Artist, Christo, Has “Lost Pleasure” Since Trump’s Election

He can’t “art” any longer in America because of Trump being “the landlord.” How will life go on in the absence of Christo’s pretentious and asinine art?

Newser –  The artist, famous for installing 7,503 orange “gates” at Central Park in 2005,

When the best part of Christo’s art is in the mocking, the importance of the art is on shaky ground.

had planned for some 20 years to drape 1,000 silver fabric panels over 42 miles of the Arkansas River in Colorado using steel cables fixed to the banks at a cost of $50 million. But now he says he’ll do no such thing, despite spending $15 million of his own money on the Over the River project, because the land is federally owned and therefore under Trump’s control. “I can’t do a project that benefits this landlord,” the 81-year-old tells the New York Times, adding the “pleasure” he took in the project has gone with Trump’s election.

After various court wins, a single federal lawsuit was all that stood in Christo’s way, with opponents worried about the project’s effect on wildlife, reports the Denver Post. But Christo says one more legal victory won’t change his mind. “I am not excited about the project anymore,” he says. Over the River, conceived in 1992 with his late wife Jeanne-Claude, would’ve been Christo’s largest ever artwork in the US, to be installed over two years and on display for only two weeks. Instead, its absence will be “a decisive statement,” per the Atlantic, that after years of fighting for governments to approve his projects, “reaching across the aisle, in a sense, and finding common ground,” Christo believes “that common ground no longer exists.” It was the final project he and his wife had planned for the US.

23 Comments on Shocker – Artist, Christo, Has “Lost Pleasure” Since Trump’s Election

  1. I get the sense that ‘Crisco’ thinks he is really putting it to us by not installing his visionary eyesore. He is not.
    I’ve fished that river when I lived in Colorado; God’s artwork on that land needs no help.

  2. This guy spent $15M of his own money? Why the ‘F’ does this guy have $15M to spend?? I have no problem with art. I love art but a CEO in charge of running a corporation that provides goods and/or services, employs people and is judged every quarter on his performance is just hoarding money? Not worth it? Taking from the poor? WTF!!! Fuck you Christo! Die and have your art worth something after you’re gone like real artists. Then I’ll know you committed.

  3. Poor Christo! Poor, poor Christo!

    But all is not lost! You can drape yourself with those 1,000 silver fabric panels and hold them in place by wrapping them and yourself with all those steel cables. You could call the piece Christo’s Chrysalis Interruptus.

  4. I remember that Douche nozzle draping sheets of white fabric up the California coast back in the 70s. Miles of it. So he’s not grown as an artist. Changing venues and fabric color is not growth.

    Amazing how many no talent hacks can pass themselves off as artists.

    I got nothing but blowback when I submitted “Piss Muhammad”. Some other loser did “Piss Christ” and now he’s the artiste!

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