Secret Service agent in legal jeopardy for decrying ‘taking a bullet’ for Trump – IOTW Report

Secret Service agent in legal jeopardy for decrying ‘taking a bullet’ for Trump


A Secret Service special agent who suggested she would rather face “jail time” than take “a bullet” for President Trump has raised serious legal problems for herself by mixing political activity with her sworn duty to protect the president, according to attorneys who specialize in this area of the law.

The Secret Service’s Office of Professional Responsibility, its main internal ethics entity, has launched a formal investigation into the matter. That probe will likely focus on general misconduct — her threat not to carry out her most basic job responsibility to defend the president, as well as Hatch Act violations.

The Hatch Act bars executive branch staff, except the president, vice president and some other senior executive officials, from engaging in certain political activities. It doesn’t carry jail time as a penalty, but she could be forced to resign under Hatch Act violations alone.

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35 Comments on Secret Service agent in legal jeopardy for decrying ‘taking a bullet’ for Trump

  1. Affirmative Action hire. Believed the MSM. Stayed up too late, drank too much, said too much. NO WAY a dip shit like this should be able to impugn the reputation of the Secret Service. Should never have been hired in the first place. Get rid of her worthless emotional ass.

  2. @Txn4Evr

    You’ve just asked the which came first, the chicken or
    the egg? Question.

    Is she a democrat because she’s ugly or is she ugly because she became a democrat?

  3. Homely and stupid.
    Tough combination, obviously politics and affirmative action criteria came into play for her to gain her position.

    She rolled the dice on Hillary becoming president, based upon main stream media reports, and got snake eyes.
    Double dumb.

  4. Look at that face. Put it next to the entry for “Women with punchable faces”.

    You can almost still see the fist print in the middle of it. It looks permanently pushed in from a haymaker.

    No doubt that face asks for it, though.

    Also, no doubt some of it was from being drunk and fighting over pussy.

  5. I want to see her standing in the unemployment line. She’ll have a hard time finding meaningful employment. Let her sit at home for a while and hate herself for being stupid. I want to see a public firing. I need some more gloating.

  6. STFU. You took an oath, stick by it or quit. An oath holds to a much higher standard than that of mere ‘promise.’

    Oh wait, you’re already a quitter. Well, PLEASE make it official. I don’t want your pansy ass watching my six or anyone else’s, let alone the President’s.

  7. The Secret Service still provides protection for Hillary.
    She should be transferred there. I am sure there are many agents on her detail who would love for someone to come and take their place.

  8. My response to headline: Good. I hope she loses her pension.

    I’m not typically one who goes for that instinctive need to destroy someone’s career, personal life, etc. because they disagree with me. However, this is a clear case where she has no place being employed where she is if she doesn’t want to follow through on the assignment.

    So, bitch, you don’t want to do your job? Fine, Get the f*** out.

  9. Were I President, I wouldn’t want females on my secret service detail anyway. No woman should ever be taking a bullet to protect a man.

    Call me sexist if you like. Men protect women. Not the other way round.

  10. Clear line about griping about your job, duties, supervisor with coworkers and going full tard on the Web. She is a tard. SS shocks a bunch of like minded in line by this public dismissal.

  11. A President is entitled to know that his protection is dedicated to their mission, and not have someone on his detail who might let something slip in purposely because of their personnel feelings. Another bitch with a badge, fire her sorry ass.

  12. **Txn4Evr
    **”Why are all Democrat women UGLY?”**
    Oh come on you bigot! How prejudiced can you be? Can you ignore the “INNER BEAUTY” radiating from Cher and Madonna?
    Oh wait, maybe that’s just the end stages toxic nastiness … Never mind.

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