CONTEST: Name That Show! – IOTW Report

CONTEST: Name That Show!

‘I’ll be back!’: Defeated candidate Clinton considers launching liberal television show to lay the groundwork for ANOTHER White House run.

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  • Hillary Clinton is reportedly considering the launch of a TV show to keep herself in the news
  • The move would position her for a 2020 presidential run, according to an insider
  • She recently offered a toast to friends gathered at her Washington home, affecting an Arnold Schwarzenegger accent and promising: ‘I’ll be back’ 
  • Clinton doesn’t think Barack Obama will fight enough for liberal priorities, ‘which leaves an opening for her to be the acknowledged leader-in-exile of her party’

Read the story HERE, then come back and give us your show titles.

You have until 11:59 pm, Friday .

Our friend, Dianny, from Patriot Retort is judging.

300 Comments on CONTEST: Name That Show!

  1. “Fishing Line,” with Hillary R. Clinton.
    “A public affairs show featuring influential public figures in the United States.”
    Mrs. Clinton will fireside chat with such notables as Ashley Judd, Michael Moore, Madonna, Reverend Al Sharpton, activist Donna Hylton and many, many more “about ideas and issues of the day.”

    (Sorta like Firing Line with W.F.B.)

  2. “Killary’s Follies”

    (Camera zooms in on Killary’s melting face with fly on it)

    Killary: Today on “Killary’s Follies,” we’re going back to my blooper reel and revisit some of my most embarrassing moments. Like the time I threw a lamp at Bill in The White House when I found out he shot a jizz missle all over Monica’s blue dress (staged reenactment of lamp throwing)!

    And who can forget my biggest boobie of a blooper? BENGHAAAAAAZI! I was going to run the Benghazi blooper reel of Ambassador Stevens getting dragged around dead but hey. At this point, what difference does it make? (Grabs for bottle of Jack Daniels’s and chugs it like Blutarski from “Animal House.”)

    See you after the break. (Violently convulses as camera pans away to studio audience who are all hopelessly bawling just like they did on election night. Fade to black.)

  3. Tonight on:
    Drunk All Night with Hillary Clinton!
    – Music by DJ Bubba!
    – We play: What medication am I on?
    – Golfing tips from former president Obama!

    Cooking The Books with Hillary Clinton!
    Episode #3093: Secret favors to enhance your bank account!
    Episode # 3098: How to bake a cankle

2 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. A Hillary TV Show? -
  2. Announcement: Winner of the NAME THAT SHOW contest has been selected! – IOTW Report

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