Latest nutball leftist conspiracy theory – Trump photoshopped his hands for white house pic – IOTW Report

Latest nutball leftist conspiracy theory – Trump photoshopped his hands for white house pic

As you will see, this escalates quickly, and ends just as quick.

To be fair, the conspiracy theory was not started by this tweeter, it was a moron named Dana Schwartz.

Trump 100% photoshopped his hand bigger for this picture hanging in the white house, which is the most embarassing thing I’ve ever seen

I pointed out to this dipchit that the “photoshopped” picture is higher resolution than the original, which photoshop cannot do.

If anything, the lower resolution picture is the manipulated one.

I then asked her, no, demanded to know of her, who photoshopped Obama to make him look so much less relevant than Trump? (hehe)

ht/ illustr8r

Dana Schwartz responded to me. She’s backing away from her claim.

Let me be clear: I DO NOT KNOW FOR SURE WHETHER OR NOT THE HANDS WERE SHOPPED. Please don’t take my tweets for verified news.

Ur blaming “language” for your decisions?? You are more dangerous than Hitler!!!!!!! (No offense. It’s how language works.)

I’m deleting the original tweet (below) because I’m tired of people calling me stupid ugly libtard whore on the internet.

19 Comments on Latest nutball leftist conspiracy theory – Trump photoshopped his hands for white house pic

  1. I’m more concerned about crowd sizes than hand sizes,
    but each of us has our individual interests….

    The THINGS Leftists won’t grasp at in utter desperation!
    hee hee hee!

    (I’m *still* shutting the morons up when I point out Menderman’s point that the Trump Hotel clock shows 12:20pm in that CNN gigapixel photo)


    And my Leftist sister (in D.C.) just wrote me how upset she is about the “horrible” election and how “fearful” she is of the future….

    “FEAR! It’s not just a weapon of the Left anymore!”

  2. OK, I’m gonna say it.

    Well it seems her implication is that Trump’s member is small.
    I’ll take his word for it, it’s none of my business and I don’t care.
    But I can say through his campaign and his selections of his cabinet and his actions since becoming President, his balls are HUGE !

  3. “Trump 100% photoshopped his hand bigger…”

    Speaking as an old school graphics guy, 100% meant same size as original back in the old days. Must be some juicebox jiurno jargon they teach these days.

  4. “I’m tired of people calling me stupid ugly libtard whore on the internet”

    Feedback. It can be a bitch.

    Many would take the hint to stop being a stupid ugly libtard whore on the internet at this point.

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