How Losing My Political Values Helped Me Gain My Freedom – IOTW Report

How Losing My Political Values Helped Me Gain My Freedom


“He’s [Trump] thin-skinned and petty!” shrieks the left. “He takes everything personally!”

Good, I say. I want him to take attacks personally and deal out payback. I know I won’t be the target, you will be.

“He’s unpresidential! He’ll destroy the integrity of the office!”

No, that’s already happened. Remember, you elected a shit-talking jackass who takes selfies at state funerals when he’s not giving stealth middle fingers to his opponents during debates. There is no dignity of the office, not after Clinton and Obama.

“He’s a narcissist! He’s got totalitarian impulses!”

Yes, he’s basically a mirror version of Obama. Except now, he’ll be working for what I want. The end justifies the means. You taught me that.

“A sitting president going after the media. OMG!”

Oh, like Obama trashing Rush Limbaugh and Fox News? How about when he sent his lackeys to berate news reporters for failure to flatter him at all times. Oh, and NSA spying on the press. That was pretty great, too.

“He won’t show his taxes!”

Don’t care. Where are Obama’s college transcripts, by the way?

“He’s a bully! Is this what you want? Someone who uses his power to bully other people?!!!”

And this is where everything funnels down to the very nexus of my change in attitude from “Do unto others” to “I will do unto you what you do unto me.”

It’s two words: Memories Pizza.

It was that moment that everything changed for me–not only the harassment, fake Yelp reviews and the death threats that forced them to temporarily close up shop–oh, that was bad enough, but the most powerful man on Earth bullying a couple of small town pizza owners from Indiana simply for expressing an opinion on a hypothetical asked of them by a reporter with a malicious agenda? That was when I snapped.

Do you remember?

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ht/ NM’s husband

10 Comments on How Losing My Political Values Helped Me Gain My Freedom

  1. I disagree. My political values haven’t changed one bit.
    But in order to achieve them I retooled a bit, selecting a warrior over a group of professional talkers.

    Crude? So am I.
    Says the wrong thing sometimes? Whoops. That makes two of us.
    Ready to kick some ass, foreign and domestic?
    Man crush.
    Beating the crap out of leftists and causing them to act out and crack up? They did that with Reagan, Bush 41 and 43. They’re mental defectives that need the wood shampoo.

    There is nothing to navel gaze about hiring a warrior when your very existence is under assault. It’s merely sensible.


    “Further, I no longer have any investment in any particular political values, save one: The rules created by the left will be applied to the left as equally and punitively as they have applied them to the right. And when they beg for mercy, I’ll begin to reconsider. Or maybe not. Because fuck these people.”

    YES! Amen! I want to roll this up in a tube and swat every lefty over the nose with it. Take that! Now, sit down and shut up!

  3. Trump is first and foremost a businessman. Not just a businessman, the perfect model of an American Businessman. Circa 1980. The shortest path between two points is a straight line. He will piss people off. Eventually some here. But at the end of his first term this country will be America again. Hell it’s been one week and it’s already feeling that way. He will sway RINO’s to conservatism too. Shit, Nikki Haley today in front of the UN, “For those who don’t have our backs, we’re taking names.” WOW.

  4. I felt that I was being stuffed into a really dark, dank, overcrowded, boxcar, by liberal intolerance, using everything dirty trick they could use against liberty. (“Work will make you free”; ‘Let your benevolent government take carve of your medical’; ‘don’t work, the government will provide’, ‘trust your benenovelt government and leaders to decide your education, gender, where you live and how you transport yourselves’).

    They have tried and continue to try to stuff Trump into their ‘acceptables’ boxcar and Trump not only refuses, he pushes back.

    Trump not only refused to get into the liberal boxcar, he gathered the down-trodden of liberal bullies, and stormed the platform, taking it back!

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