Driver Takes Exit at Full Speed and Plows Into Bus – IOTW Report

Driver Takes Exit at Full Speed and Plows Into Bus

Footage of a driver plowing into a bus in Syracuse, NY is indeed dramatic, but none of the coverage seems to be blaming the human who is doing the plowing. They’re saying “a truck hits a bus.”

Yeah, it was the truck’s fault.

The driver exits the highway at highway speed and sees cars stopped at a red light. (Gee, that NEVER happens at a highway exit. I usually just go 75 mph into the exit and hope for the best.) His driving expertise, the expertise that gives him the confidence to take exits without slowing down, includes veering off the shoulder and torpedoing directly into the side of a bus with absolutely no evidence of any brakes being tapped, or any evasive action. It’s as if he’s on a homicide mission for Allah.

HLN TV is reporting that the driver actually accelerated, hitting the gas, in a panic, instead of the brake. We’ve heard of this happening in the past, but it’s perplexing to think that someone could drive for several seconds with their foot on the accelerator.

Is this someone that can be trusted behind the wheel in the future?

ht/ js

21 Comments on Driver Takes Exit at Full Speed and Plows Into Bus

  1. Now in Chicago iff you see a bus crash you rush into the bus and pretend to be one of the passengers and file and injury claim with one of the ambulance chasers that are signing you up as you enter the bus. This is if your not shot by one of Rham’s gang bangers.

  2. Agree with Joe; the chick who climbed over the older dude who clearly took a bus wall to the head at high speed and waited to get off the bus…she actually SAW the guy laying there. She didn’t appear injured or in shock. Sometimes I cannot stand people.

  3. LCD, Over the years I bought a few Toyotas, I never optioned them with the all weather floor mats. In 2006, I bought a 2007 model year car and it came with both carpeted and all weather mats at no option. When they delivered the car it was early fall, so they put the rubber mats under the carpeted ones. I didn’t leave the extra mats in the car, but it wasn’t long after that I started hearing about runaway Toyotas.

    That car turned out to be a lemon. I traded it in for an Acura 4 months after buying it. The new Acura was also delivered with carpeted and all weather floor mats stacked. However I never heard any stories about runaway Acuras.

    The foot feed on the Acura was hinged at the bottom to the floor, nothing could get caught between the floor and the pedal. On the Toyotas (including my present one) the pedal flaps in the breeze. I’m fairly certain the run away Toyota fiasco was due to improperly stacking floor mats.

  4. Same age guy was driving here and plowed down a young couple walking down the street on the sidewalk. Couple are dead, and the guy is spending the rest of his life in prison. His wife was in the passenger seat. Stuff happens.

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