Astronauts Get A New Spacesuit – IOTW Report

Astronauts Get A New Spacesuit


Out with the old and clunky white Apollos, in with the new blues that are tailored to the individual astronaut and ten pounds lighter.  Astronauts will be riding to the space station in their new suits early next year if all goes according to plan for the Starliner crew capsule and the Atlas V rocket.  They’ll be doing a number of test launches of the system this year to be ready for a manned flight early in 2018.

More on the new suit Here

More on the Starliner Here

More on the mating up with the Atlas V Here

They’ve been using the  Atlas V for nearly 15 years now and it seems to have an excellent track record of successful launches.




11 Comments on Astronauts Get A New Spacesuit

  1. But. but what about the Muslim outreach mission, you know for all their wonderful scientific discovering and stuff. Whew, glad that silliness is over.

    Do astronauts care how much the suit weights in space?

  2. Looks like something Hollywood used for one of its movies.

    Nevertheless, about time some progress being made on the manned space front. Some folks might not like spending money on space exploration, but defunding to give China the upper hand in space is just asking for trouble.

  3. Is it halal-approved?

    Speaking of, I’d like to see the stats on how many muslims joined NASA during the Obama years and how big was the bang of our bucks for all that money spent on muslim outreach. I never heard Obama brag about it so it must have flopped BIG LEAGUE.

  4. I don’t like the color, either. Seems like it would be hard to visually inspect for holes or rips. Should be a much lighter shade.

    And why are they going back to the stupid capsule instead of making a better shuttle? Returning to earth will be going back to the stupid falling to earth, loosing contact for a few minutes, splashing into the ocean (as long as the parachutes deploy) and needing a ride back to land. Seems like Blue Origin has developed something much better.

  5. I hope we never stop funding Space. It’s exciting and I love seeing the photos from our solar system. If anything, I hope we continue to put satellites out there to explore our Galaxy and beyond. New Horizons is still on its way in the Kuiper belt and hopefully will transmit photos of the next object(s). Perhaps Eris, Haumea, or Makemake. That would be cool. 🙂

    If anyone is interested. It took us 9years to get to Pluto.

    America is so fucking cool!! I get so excited with the stuff we do. WE are an amazing people.

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